I need a partner/co-founder/team for OpenPhd

3 min readMay 2, 2017


I need a partner/co-founder/team for OpenPhd

I have a request for you. Please read my previous blog before reading this blog here ( or read later but do read the first one. It will explain questions like what is OpenPhD and why I started OpenPhD.)

The idea of OpenPhD came from personal experiences. Now I started this blog to share more about my objectives with OpenPhD and I am also working to create a basic framework and structure of OpenPhd platform. I will share the blueprints in the blog. But also I am self-training for a neuroscience research project. So there are so many things to be done.

It will be a web application first as a first stage. Only after that, I can figure out where to take this project. I do not know how much time it will take. OpenPhD is on the very first stage where I have many ideas about the first version of OpenPhD but not locked any of it. ( Open for discussion)

But If I find a partner ( or partners — no limitation numbers of co-founders ) then maybe we together with partners can create the platform faster. So this the blog for anyone who finds OpenPhd interesting and open to join as a co-founder.

I am also open ( I will encourage you to share criticism ). If you are a PhD student or already done it or a dropout, you can really raise some strong questions about OpenPhd. Do you think it is a good idea or not not a good idea. I am really open to read and discuss your thoughts on it.

There are probably three categories of partners ( or co-founder) who may be interested in OpenPhd.

( But I have no restriction and anyone literally anyone can be my partner. The only thing is matters you understand the OpenPhD idea and like it )

Category A — Who is genuinely interested in OpenPhd Idea but not currently working or active on a science project or research project

Category B — Who is facing the same or ( somehow similar) situation like me who have some deep scientific questions and you want to find answers with your own

Category C — Who are doing a PhD or completed it ( any stream) or working as a researcher and find OpenPhD idea interesting
If you are interested ( because I am and I want to share more about my idea) Please write me or ( connect via Angellist) with the category that you think you best describe as ( or maybe something else).

My email id — [openphd.project@gmail.com]

Right now I am the only one who is working on OpenPhD. I am a 27-year-old guy living in Bangalore (India).

The Openphd aim is not to encourage people to pursue PhD or arguing that PhD is required to be a scientist or research. It is not. OpenPhD wants to encourage a culture of self-training to be scientist or research ( provide a framework, information, tools etc) and also to promote independent research project. OpenPhd is not a program to offer an online PhD or connect you to university for a PhD. It is something else.




Self training framework for future scientist, inventor and researchers. Making science open for participation. Email openphd.project@gmail.com