Ranking the Top Blockchain Programming Languages of 2023

Mark Williams
4 min readSep 12, 2023


There is a high demand for blockchain programmers across all sectors. Web3’s rapid development has spawned a wave of innovative decentralized applications (dapps) on various blockchain networks. Building dapps and blockchain protocols can be difficult when so many blockchain programming languages are available. Since blockchain has dominated fields previously unheard of, many organizations are looking to hire blockchain developers. To help you decide which Web3 programming language is right for your next project, we’ve compiled a list of the ten best blockchain programming languages. Let’s explore the top blockchain programming languages in 2023.

Top seven programming languages for blockchain development

Programming languages used in blockchain development are very similar to those used in non-blockchain applications. The only difference is that they require specific methods for creating blockchains. In addition, blockchain systems can also be built using conventional programming languages. So, what are the five most popular blockchain programming languages?


Java is an object-oriented, class-based programming language for Android mobile apps. Java is also popular for blockchain and Web3 development. A Java program follows the C syntax and supports object-oriented programming (OOP), straightforward memory cleaning, and extensive libraries for creating smart contracts. Developers are often surprised to learn that Java is a popular blockchain programming language. There are many prominent blockchain networks that use it, including NEM, IOTA, NEO, and Hyperledger Fabric.


Programming in Python for Blockchain is not only transforming the development of mobile apps, IoT apps, and network servers but is also proving to be a valuable feature in Blockchain-as-a-service. Its outstanding features make it a popular language for dApps and Smart Contracts development. Because it is open-source, anyone can use its tools, libraries, and frameworks, reducing development time. A common entry point into the blockchain development world is Python, which is very easy to learn. Due to its universal nature, it can be used for network servers, desktop apps, machine learning, and, most importantly, blockchains.


C++ is one of the most popular blockchain programming languages, as well as a staple in the tech world. Developers have primitive control over memory and can move semantics around. C++ also includes multi-threading capabilities and object-oriented features. Furthermore, it allows Web3 developers to combine functions and data in one module. C++ is a powerful language with a wide range of development tools and libraries. As compared with other blockchain programming languages like Python, JavaScript, or Solidity, C++ is considered more difficult to learn.

Go (Golang)

Go programming language also ranks among the top blockchain programming languages. Not only is the language easy to understand, but it also offers all the advantages of JavaScript and Python, such as scalability, flexibility, and speed. This makes it the right choice for delivering bespoke Blockchain solutions. Go-Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric are two of the best Go-based Blockchain solutions available today.


The Solidity language is a Turing-complete object-oriented language with features that are familiar to JavaScript, C++, and Python. It is the most widely used programming language for writing and deploying smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. The Solidity programming language can be used to write and deploy smart contracts on other Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)-)-compatible chains, such as Avalanche and Binance Smart Chain.


Rust is a popular blockchain programming language created by Graydon Hoare. It is a multi-paradigm, statically typed, open-source programming language with high memory efficiency. Rust simplifies problem-solving and lowers entry barriers for blockchain developers. Additionally, Rust allows developers to accomplish more in less time. Therefore, Rust has become an essential tool for decentralized application development on Solana. The Solana blockchain network is one of the fastest in the world. Developers can also deploy smart contracts quickly, easily, and at a minimal cost with it.


Due to its syntactic similarity to Java and C++, C# makes an ideal Blockchain programming language. As a Microsoft language, C# has become quite popular and is considered to be one of the best programming languages for blockchain. Using C#open-source developers can build code that is highly portable across multiple devices and operating systems, including Windows, Linux, Mac, and Android. Blockchain developers can also obtain maximum performance when developing their next blockchain using C#, which is an OOPs programming language.

Final thoughts

As you now understand the top blockchain programming languages, you should be able to understand the different tools for different tasks you might encounter in your blockchain programming journey. The blockchain programming languages above can produce similar or identical results. However, there are different programming languages better suited to certain tasks than others.

For example, Solidity is an ideal choice for building smart contracts. If you’re looking for a Web3 language with general-purpose functionality, you might consider Python, JavaScript, or C++. There may also be a lot of crossover between languages. Many languages share common principles and features, even though some have significant differences.

It’s always a good idea to ask for professional assistance if you are not a developer. A blockchain development service can help you build the most suitable solution for your project or business.



Mark Williams

Mark Williams delivering captivating and informative material. Passionate about technology, skilled in creating engaging content that exceeds expectations.