How Operations Research Can Help You Build and Manage More Effective Data Warehouses

By carefully planning and managing the resources used to build, maintain, and operate data warehouses, organizations can reap a number of benefits, such as improved data quality, increased data accessibility, reduced costs, and improved performance. Data warehouses can be valuable for OR practitioners. By providing access to large volumes of data, data warehouses can help OR practitioners to develop more accurate and effective models.

ORB, Operations Research Bit
Operations Research


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Data warehouses are centralized repositories of data that is collected and integrated from a variety of sources. A data warehouse is a system that stores and manages data from a variety of sources in a central location. Data warehouses are used to support business intelligence (BI) and analytics applications. BI and analytics applications allow businesses to analyze their data to gain insights into their operations and to make better decisions.

Data warehouses and OR are often used together to improve decision making. OR practitioners can use data warehouses…



ORB, Operations Research Bit
Operations Research

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