“How you can benefit from interactive engagement.”

Published in
3 min readJun 1, 2018

By Vicky Xuan

For many years, knowledge has been imparted through a unidirectional method of teaching. Knowledge banks are unmistakable; anyone would identify teachers and books as the primary sources to learning. This is the same for both academic knowledge as well as emotional and social understanding. Books and the stories they hold taught us not just grammatical comprehension but also how to be smart, how to be brave and sometimes, how to stay determined in making lemonade when lemons are thrown your way.

While this unidirectional method of learning has been tried and tested — an unquestionably effective way of obtaining wisdom — it is time to consider the possibilities of alternative methods in today’s multi-dimensional society. Traditional pedagogical methods saw teachers and books feeding us with information, but what it did not offer was a personalized, inclusive form of learning where students can leverage on feedback to maximize their potential. With technological advancements, the possibilities are limitless, and it is time to move forward into new grounds.

The Õpet chatbot is the answer to sustainable, inclusive learning. Being a digital chatbot powered by artificial-intelligence, the platform offers round-the-clock interactive engagement with its users. It’s approach of progressive education, combined with machine learning technology as well as a distributed ledger brings in a whole new way of learning. While the primal use of the Õpet platform is academic in nature, you will be surprised to find that the creative elements incorporated in it offers you self-discovery and many other Easter eggs beyond.

Learning your strengths and weaknesses through targeted analysis

The process of completing a quiz on the Õpet platform is itself a path to self-discovery. With the Õpet chatbot tracking the topical and subject competency of each user, users will be able to learn their own strengths and weaknesses at the end of each quiz. As part of the platform’s targeted analysis program, quiz results will be shown in several charts and graphs to the users, conveying both the accuracy rate of each subject as well as the progress made in the user’s last three quizzes. This is a vastly different approach from the traditional unidirectional method of learning where students almost never have the opportunity to learn their progress or narrowed areas for improvement, simply due to the lack of personalized feedback.

In addition, Õpet can customize and personalize learning plans to offer suggestions through the exploration of collected data. This not only paves the way for discovery of individual strengths but also areas of weaknesses that can be improved on.

Self-discovery through personality profiling tools

In addition to its flagship chatbot feature, the Õpet learning platform also offers the function of personality profiling and character recording, allowing users to learn more about themselves over time. Through its partnership with the University of Cambridge-Judge Business School Psychometric Center, Õpet was granted access to incorporate the internationally renowned “Apply Magic Sauce”, a personalization engine that accurately predicts psychological traits from digital footprints of human behavior. The magic sauce algorithm does not stop at basic strengths and weaknesses — it explores a holistic range of individual attributes, ranging from openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness to neuroticism. With this powerful tool in place, Õpet is no longer just a learning platform for academic progress; it is serves as a dynamic medium to self-discovery.

Finding out what’s best for your future

Apart from its primary function as a recommendation machine for effective revision, the Õpet chatbot also aids in post-GCSE progression by matching users to specific universities according to their personalities and character traits. To be more specific, the backend AI recommendation engine of the Õpet will take a myriad of factors, including the users’ academic results, preferences as well as personality profiles into consideration before recommending universities and other resources to them. With Õpet, users will never have to worry about a bleak future again.

In a nutshell

By offering users a dynamic medium to self-discovery and self-understanding, Õpet as an interactive learning platform has opened up the educational industry to a whole new array of possibilities. With Õpet, knowledge acquisition will never be the same again.

To find out more about Õpet, be sure to visit our social media sites below:

Official Website: https://opetfoundation.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/opetfoundation

Telegram: https://t.me/Opetfoundationgroup

Medium: https://medium.com/@opetbot

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3735418

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/OpetFoundation

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/opet-foundation/




Bringing AI and Blockchain Technologies into education, Õpet is revolutionizing students' lives, helping them to reach their full potential.