The Regulatory Challenges of Crypto Community

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2 min readJun 19, 2018

Block chain technology and crypto currency are currently very popular in the investment world. Initial Coin Offering or ICO is the method investors and traders are putting their efforts into, with the involvement of coins or crypto tokens. All of these can be considered a part of the crypto community, and as more and more people invest in ICOs, it is safe to say that the crypto community has tons of potential.

In this way, the crypto community is starting to be an attractive opportunity for everyone, even for individuals who aren’t deeply familiar with this field and who want to be involved in investing. If you are one of them, you should be aware that the community isn’t without its issues. In this article, we are going to take a look at the challenges that the crypto community usually face.

One common challenge an investor will face in the crypto world is stability. Being stable is necessary for any currency to be used as a trusted medium of exchange. As the saying goes, the more that prices rise and fall, the more people will tend to refrain from using the coins for everyday transactions.

There are also too many new ICOs available. This is a challenge because if there are a wide range of companies leveraging on blockchain, then there is a huge possibility that not all of them can provide success, and worst of all, they could be a scam and not legitimate. Users need to be careful and make evaluation a priority, in order to avoid encountering scams, by looking into the background of its executives, and whatever track history you may find about the company and its cause.

Another challenge for the crypto community is that the market value of a token is usually easy to manipulate.There are tokens that can be deceiving which can fool an investor as it has a high value, but in reality, it possesses a low market cap.

Getting involved with the crypto community can be both very rewarding and challenging. The results are satisfying and can be very beneficial, but in order for one person to achieve this, it is best to know more about this field first and become familiar with the possible challenges you may face.

The crypto community can be a good source of income. But getting into itis not going to be an overnight success, as there are many things to learn and become familiar with. Let Õpet help you, by relying on us to provide the right information about the crypto community and its challenges.




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