Ruler of the Mind Chapter 9

Ophelia Kee, Urban Fantasy Author
6 min readMar 23, 2022


WIP Read as Ophelia Writes

*** Warning: This is a Work in Progress!***

Subject to change at any time!

Read at your Own Risk!

Intended for a mature audience.

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Ruler of the Mind Ch 9

Draoithe: Ruler of the Mind

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9 Misty

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Tuesday saw her and Brenda standing in line to have Flare and Tatiana remove the tracking devices that Elliot’s men had injected into them. They were lined up with others who’d been microchipped. She shivered in disgust at that, but the vile memories didn’t consume her. Instead, she had to deliberately think of something other than Winter’s hands on her as her dream memories were the ones triggered by thinking of her recent past.

It was safer for her to have the tracking device removed as she was considering leaving Draoithe to venture into Tyler for an outing. No one could easily find her if the tracking device was destroyed.

Knowing that she had been microchipped like a shelter animal had made her practically run to the infirmary. It was one more step toward putting her past in the past. A figment of her imagination or not, her encounters with her fantasy lover had reordered her thoughts.

She wasn’t a hermit. She’d seen the pack submission ceremony and gone to Dancing in the Rain with Laney. Thankfully the two of them had turned in early before the Demon Host arrived, and Cyrus died. She acknowledged a need to interact with others but was sure that she didn’t want images of torture in her mind. The whispered details were enough.

Dinner out sounded good, normal. She wanted a bit of normal. Maybe some of the others would want to go so she didn’t go alone. Fox and Andrei would have frowned if she even mentioned going alone. Perhaps she would ask Miles. He might go.

Luke had made a decree that no one traveled out without taking others with them. Safety in numbers. Misty was afraid to go by herself anyway. Dinner with Winter might have been nice. The way her dream partner made her feel might be a nice thing to have in her day-to-day existence.

Laney had been approached by March and Leilah to help handle the secretarial diplomatic stuff. She had agreed and was answering phone calls and relaying messages just as she had at her old job. So texting her would need to wait until later.

She doubted Brenda would go unless Kindling tagged along. She would need to text them later too. Kindling was working on construction projects during the day while Brenda worked with Flower.

As she pondered an outing, she realized that Draoithe felt good to her friends just as it felt good to her. When they talked about it, her friends said that they thought the magic made it feel that way. It might be so, but Misty was sure that the people kept that feeling.

It was always clean, well cared for, and maintained. Everyone at Draoithe saw the log cabin-style castle and the other forest-grown buildings as their home. She was beginning to see it that way as well.

Miles had talked to her about leaving in a week or so. Misty hoped he would go out with her so she had ano0ther chance at talking him into staying as she didn’t want him to go.

Blaze and Jewel had been helping him with his money. Kindling had tried to convince him that he was a king. Miles wasn’t buying it. She felt that he should stay, but how to tell him was beyond her. Maybe Laney could convince him.

Miles was funny about things. He had his own way of doing things. Still, he was like her big brother. He was the reason she was alive and free with another chance at life and why she had landed at Draoithe. If Miles chose to stay, Misty would be home for real. Convincing him could prove to be an uphill battle though.

Perhaps, he would reconsider if something or someone at Draoithe could make him want to stick around for a while. His ambivalence was a sad spot in her life that marred her pleasure at living in Draoithe. She made up her mind to invite her friends out for dinner. She would text them later and set things up.

She made her way back to the library and the work she was doing. Her work at the library felt right. She was at home with the old books and manuscripts. Misty had even started helping others find information. Just as Laney’s work with the embassy mattered. She was contributing.

Misty realized that she could celebrate embracing a new start. It was one more good reason for getting out. She was learning as she helped others educate themselves. Learning about magic, the nine realms, and the Leaindeail all helped. Steamy dreamy visits from a fantasy lover didn’t seem to be hindering her progress either.

Later, Sruthan had enlisted her help obtaining all the information he could get about the gift of phasing to try to help Tala. Then Valerie had come to the library seeking information on primitive war dog shifters and the ulfheonar.

Misty’s skills were put to use. She felt as if she not only had a meaningful contribution to make but that others thought so as well. Draoithe wasn’t just taking care of her. In a way, she was also taking care of Draoithe.

Fox brought a red dragon, Raddick Bain, to the university to see the library and tour the school Wednesday afternoon after the luncheon welcomed Cyrus back from the dead. She’d quietly slipped away after meeting the professor and stayed with her books.

Raddick Bain was a bit unsettling. He had strange, almost glowing eyes. She half-listened to Fox’s conversation with him though and learned that Peter Elliot was somehow responsible for an imbalance of magic in the Leaindeail. Things were far worse than him just performing evil medical and magic experiments on gifted humans and immortals.

Learning that put the hot dreams of Winter firmly out of her mind. She suddenly wanted to know if the unbalanced magic was why she and her friends were cursed? Was the magic unbalanced in all of the dream?

She had a lot of questions and a library full of answers, only she lacked immortality to learn it all. She had to get busy if she was going to unravel the mysteries in only her lifetime.

Later that afternoon, Keelin had been turned into an ulfheonar after tripping and phasing into the stairs. Sruthan had almost flown on foot out of the university ending his interview with Fox to get to her before twilight dinner. Wednesday had been a long day.

Winter’s promise to take her to dinner had never materialized, but the idea of a night out would be good. She was no longer microchipped. She was a woman. She deserved to feel like one. She suddenly wanted that during the daytime, not just during her sexy dream encounters with a faceless figment of her imagination.

Misty thought about the past few days as she drifted back to sleep that evening. Going out would be good. She had simply lost track of time to text everyone earlier. Tomorrow, she would try again.

Winter never came, but she decided that perhaps that only proved that he’d been nothing more than a fantasy.

Wednesday she slept peacefully through the night. No nightmares, but also no sexy hot faceless Winter.

When she woke up Thursday morning, she smiled. Maybe he’d just been a beautiful dreamy distraction so her mind could fix itself. Perhaps she didn’t need her make-believe lover anymore. It might be time to look for a real one instead.

Thank you for reading. Please leave your comments and let a tiger know what you think of the story so far. Sincerely, -OK

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Ophelia Kee, Urban Fantasy Author

Innuendo floating on the mist that rises above the water. Telling the story that haunts a fantasy. Catching a dream…