I really hate web forms

Otto Piispanen
1 min readJul 6, 2014


Web forms are holding us back. Web form driven “web applications” are holding us back. By us I mean web developers and the Web as a whole. Web technologies have evolved enough to start moving basic logic to the client.

Best example of form driven applications are e-commerce sites. I just hate the speed I’m making my purchases. Just because every step has to go through the server. And if I make mistakes in the process, I really get punished when the validation is also in the server.

It’s 2014, it’s time to be lighting fast!

Someone would argue that not everyone has their Javascript enabled in their browser. If someone knows how to turn it off, that someone can turn it back on. Problem solved. You can probably even get off easier using more client side logic and keeping the back-end clean and simple. Try something like AngularJS, it will most likely speed up your development.

I really hate web forms. Why do I have to input all my information all over again. Autocomplete on browsers doesn’t work on every site on every form. We should have an alternative, maybe something built in the browsers, some service somewhere that has some basic information we have to fill up time and time again. And instead of webforms our e-commerce etc. sites would have an API to get the information from the browser.

I want web forms to join frame sets and table layouts in the cemetery of the Web.

