Funny sayings about menopause

George Raoul
5 min readDec 12, 2023


Menopause, the inevitable and transformative stage in a woman’s life, often comes accompanied by a range of experiences that can be both challenging and humorous. In this light-hearted exploration, we delve into the realm of 40 funny sayings about menopause. From hot flashes to mood swings, these witty expressions capture the essence of this journey with a dose of humor. Join us as we navigate through the lighter side of Funny sayings about menopause, finding laughter amidst the changes that mark this unique chapter in every woman’s life.

🔥 🔥 🔥 We include a link to Lisa Olson’s official website, where you can learn more about her 43 years pregnancy story.

40 Funny Sayings About Menopause :

Here are 40 Funny Sayings About Menopause to help you go trought menopause with ease and confidence :

  1. “Hot flashes: nature’s way of turning up the heat when you least expect it.”
  2. “Menopause is like a rollercoaster, and my hormones bought a front-row ticket.”
  3. “Memory loss during menopause: it’s not forgetfulness; it’s a selective memory upgrade.”
  4. “Who needs a sauna when menopause can turn any room into a tropical paradise?”
  5. “My thermostat has gone rogue — thanks, menopause!”
  6. “The only thing dropping faster than my estrogen levels is my tolerance for nonsense.”
  7. “Menopause: where every night is a surprise party, and your body is the DJ.”
  8. “Just when I thought life couldn’t get any more unpredictable, menopause joined the party.”
  9. “My husband asked if I was having a hot flash or if it was just my radiant beauty. Menopause taught me to appreciate his sense of humor.”
  10. “My body decided it wanted to audition for a salsa dance competition. I blame menopause.”
  11. 🔥 🔥 🔥 Watch Lisa Olson’s story, a 43 years miracle !!! 🔥 🔥 🔥

Sweet and Funny Sayings About Menopause :

  1. “In menopause, my superpower is the ability to turn anything into a fan.”
  2. “I’ve reached the age where ‘getting lucky’ means a good night’s sleep without interruptions from hot flashes.”
  3. “My ability to stay calm during menopause is directly proportional to my proximity to chocolate.”
  4. “Menopause: because my body wanted to see what it’s like to be a human volcano.”
  5. “I used to be a morning person. Menopause laughed and said, ‘Not on my watch.’”
  6. “Who needs an alarm clock when you have night sweats as a reliable wake-up call?”
  7. “Menopause is proof that even our hormones need a midlife crisis.”
  8. “Hot flashes are my body’s way of saying, ‘Surprise! I’m still relevant!’”
  9. “In menopause, every day is an adventure. A roller coaster of emotions, and I’m the fearless rider holding on for dear life!”
  10. “My wardrobe is 50% layers and 50% strategic hot flash management.”
  11. 🔥 🔥 🔥 Watch Lisa Olson’s story, a 43 years miracle !!! 🔥 🔥 🔥

Humorous Sayings About Menopause :

  1. “If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. If menopause gives you hot flashes, make a breeze.”
  2. “Menopause is my body’s way of saying, ‘Let’s spice things up a bit!’”
  3. “My husband asked if I was having a hot flash or if it was just my radiant beauty. Menopause taught me to appreciate his sense of humor.”
  4. “They said menopause would be a breeze. They forgot to mention it’s a Category 5 hurricane.”
  5. “In menopause, the only thing colder than my frozen yogurt is my ability to tolerate nonsense.”
  6. “They say laughter adds years to your life. So, by my calculations, menopause is keeping me forever young.”
  7. “Hot flashes are my body’s way of celebrating its newfound warmth.”
  8. “Menopause: where sleep is a myth, and sanity is optional.”
  9. “Sleeping like a baby: waking up every two hours, crying, and wondering why. Thanks, menopause!”
  10. “In menopause, the only thing I’m consistent at is being inconsistent.”

Hilarious Sayings About Menopause :

  1. “They say laughter is the best medicine. In menopause, it’s the only prescription I’m filling!”
  2. “Menopause is like nature’s way of telling you to embrace the chaos.”
  3. “My memory is so sharp; I remember how much I used to sleep before menopause.”
  4. “Menopause: where my thermostat is as confused as my mood swings.”
  5. “My body is experiencing a rebellion, and the leader is named Meno-paws.”
  6. “Dear metabolism, remember me? We used to be friends before menopause crashed our party.”
  7. “Menopause is my body’s way of asking, ‘Did you enjoy those uninterrupted nights of sleep?’”
  8. “In menopause, my body is a rebel with a cause: to redefine the meaning of ‘normal.’”
  9. “I used to be fluent in ‘normal.’ Then menopause introduced me to its own dialect.”
  10. “Menopause: where my inner child has a tantrum, and my outer adult just wants a nap.”


As we wrap up this humorous exploration into the world of menopause, these funny sayings serve as a reminder that laughter can be a powerful companion on the journey through life’s transformative phases. Embracing the quirks and challenges of menopause with humor not only lightens the load but also creates a sense of camaraderie among those experiencing similar adventures. So here’s to the laughter, the unpredictability, and the resilience that every woman brings to the table as she navigates the delightful chaos of menopause. May these funny sayings be a source of smiles, shared moments, and a reminder that, even in the midst of hormonal rollercoasters, a good laugh is always a welcome remedy.

