Cancel culture picks on Jacksepticeye

Patricia Penny
12 min readApr 16, 2020


Jacksepticeye at the Sonic the Hedgehog movie premier

(Updated to June 28 2020)

Seán William McLoughlin, known on internet as Jacksepticeye, start make videos in a wooden cabin in the middle of nowhere in Ireland, that it’s his homeland. He became famous for his energetic Youtube gameplays and his loud voice.

What is the cancel culture?

Call-out culture (or cancel culture) is a form of public humiliation that aims to hold individuals and groups accountable for actions perceived (perceived, so a completely personal and subjective point of view) to be offensive by other individuals or groups.

What's going on?

Recently a gossip forum (that have some petitions calling for their termination because they incite harassment) and Tumblr "tea" blogs start spreading rumors and try to call the public into their goal of degradate McLoughlin. Till get to the point of incite people to unsubscribe.

McLoughlin’s girlfriend "racism”

In March 2019 McLoughlin confirm his relationship with Evelien Smolders, games streamer known on internet as "Gab Smolders" or "GirlGamerGab" (abbreviated GGGab). In this clip from a 2018 Livestream she claims: "Japanese people f*** up everything”. BUT, context matters.

From the original video:

"The trip is like an hour drive to the bus stop, then it’s two and a half hours in the bus, then it’s checking in and all that shit and then it was the 11-hour flight and then it’s a two-hour drive back to where I am now." [ ] "Oh yeah, the bus really really stressed me out because the bus had half an hour delay in the morning and was like I was on a such a tight schedule” [ ] "They set me on 8 a.m. because they opened at 8:30 and I didn’t arrive until 8:15.”

Once there the airport staff spelled her name, address and destination country wrong.
Cancel cultist blame miss Smolders, but her faults are limited, if the bus wouldn’t be 30 minutes late Smolders would get to the check at 7:45 a.m., 15 minutes before the appointment.

Smolders has been first Bachelor of Arts in Japanese Studies and then Master of Arts in Japanese Studies at her university, Japanese translator for a company and lived in Japan many years. Cancel cultist complain that Miss Smolders likes the culture but not the people, but are the people that makes a culture. Smolder’s devotion to Japanese culture is surely to not ignore. Maybe the generalization was unnecessary, but was just words of frustration.


She apologized on Twitter.

About this and this videos, yes, Smolders in her Resident Evil 4 episode posted in June point out the Chinese origin of a game character and imitate the accent. How many entertainers and comedian make accents? We must point out that it’s impossible that “herro!” was mocking how they say hello. mocking how they say hello. Think that who speaks Oriental languages switch Ls with Rs it’s actually a wrong occidental mentally. Smolders speaks perfectly Japanese, and she knows that Chinese, Japanese and Korean doesn’t have English Ls and Rs, but a letter that sounds like both. This video explain it.

McLoughlin and the Coronavirus joke

In this clip McLoughlin made a joke replying “Coronavirus” to his gamer friend Markiplier that said had a runny nose. The source of the virus is from China, Asia. Markiplier (real name Mark Edward Fischbach) in spite of his Asian features, inherited from his Korean mom, he can be considered American because 100% born and rised in America, he visited Korea just once.

Probably that joke wouldn’t be so shocking if it had been addressed to someone else of the gamers that was there (Bob Muyskerm-Muyskerm or Wade Barnes-Lordminion777). Everyone laughed, even Fischbach himself, and joked about it and nobody act like McLoughlin said something bad. Muyskerm just pointed out: "Don’t mess with that” that could possible mean "Take care of yourself" (it happened before coronavirus would become pandemic and people actually start to die world wide) when Markiplier, the joke was addressed to him, replied (you hear it in the video linked above) with “I need the injection button now, brrrrrr” referencing to this meme sound used for plot twists (WARNING:loud sound).

Assume that McLoughlin made a racist joke to one of his biggest friends for racial reasons and give personal reading to what Muyskerm said just prove nothing. Fischbach acted like it was a joke and replied back with a joke. Cancel cultist are putting their hands forward because assumed the worse, we don’t know if he said that just connecting it to the running nose, and not to a racial reason, in the period before the virus would be fall into the pandemic viruses category. It’s a cancel cultists trait jump to the worst conclusion just to have at all cost someone to hate.

McLoughlin also made a video tiled “I’ve been SO sick” where he updates his subscribers about his absence from every media. Cancel cultists think that there are 2 issues: the clickbait and the promotion. In the video he updates his subscribers about his sudden one week absence from the screen. Where he explains that few days after he’s back from Vidcon he been sick like he never been in a while and got scared he may have the coronavirus and that could have infected people. He had no symptoms before or during Vidcon, between the 14th and 17th of February 2019, the virus was not pandemic yet and there was no lockdowns or red flags at that time and no content creator decline thier attendance to the event.

Since McLoughlin has suddenly stopped posting videos and not all of his 23 million subscribers follow him on his social media, it was a simple video to update his subscribers about the reasons of the lack of content.

In the same video he promotes a mini figurine of him in collaboration with the Irish content creators Rtgame and Callmekevin. This project had been announced almost a month earlier, but due to McLoughlin’s absence from every media failed to promote it as the other content creators did. He added that would take a few more days off to recover better. That was the only chance to talk about it, and he probably wasn’t in the mood to make another video. Despite all this, cancel cultists have accused McLoughlin of being clickbait and accused only McLoughlin of “not think of anything but himself in a harder time” but not Rtgame or Callmekevin, who promoted their figurines during Covid-19 pandemic too and because some cancel cultist are fan of them, has been “exposed” as selfish. This mean favoritism or specific hate towards McLoughlin.

It’s quite unclear why cancel cultists criticized the use of “so” in the title because “it would make people think he got really sick” when McLoughlin was actually sick.

Speaking of this video, McLoughlin clearly states that he felt sick after returning from Vidcon and after a dental extraction that probably caused an infection that turn into a flu. The cancel cutists dispute that he could have infected fans if he had the coronavirus, as mentioned above, at the time of the facts the virus was not pandemic and there was no limitations or lockdowns.

Undoubtedly the coronavirus topic is a very serious and delicate one, this should not be an excuse for people to immediately think that put the word sick in the title is done with bad intentions. Because the title of McLoughlin’s video it’s actually faithful to its content and there’s no factual proof that he made that for surf the wave of pandemic’s popularity except suppose it from the title.


Be supportive to the LGBTQIAPK+ community doesn’t mean shout it every video or tweet, just be respectful of people choice. Who watch McLoughlin (thing that cancel cultist certainly don’t do) knows that he often remind often to love whoever you feel too. A few bad choices never change this.

Let’s start from a game named "Wanking Simulator" a game where the character Winston Gay, resident of a town called Gay Bay, knocks off people masturbating. Talking with few people into the community (both straight and LGBTQIAPK+) many people didn’t notice the controversy, so it’s not just a McLoughlin’s slip. However, when people brought this up, McLoughlin apologized and deleted the video.

It’s important to give evidence to the fact that since 2014 it’s the first time McLoughlin makes such a slip.

McLoughlin also made charity livestrems for support the LGBTQIAPK+ community, obviously, McLoughlin is interested in help as many charities he could, each month he chooses a different cause, so here’s why there’s a lack of LGBTQIAPK+ charities. For sure this doesn’t make him an homophobe nor fake when he shows his support. Also made a special LGBTQIAPK + line to both his personal clothing line and the one in collaboration with his friend Markiplier. REAL homophones hate gays so much that doesn’t do clothing lines or charities for them, doesn’t matter how much money-hungry they could be.

The editor issue

Another unfortunate bad choice has been hire, as help to his actual editor, another editor known as Nopeify. Desperate for get something to shame McLoughlin, cancel cultist put their nose in this new editor’s past, finding tweets with bad taste jokes made when Nopeify was about 16/17 years old.

I remind you that we’re talking about the cancel culture, even if Nopeify posted these things a few years ago, is it fair that he lost his job( because McLoughlin apologized for this and fired him) to such stupid tweets made by a teenager? As you can see the tweets were made between 2016 ( in the May 2017 screenshot above he talks of a tweet made "half a year ago") and 2018, we are in 2020. Reading his tweets we know that the social media Twitter already punished him suspending his account for what he did. McLoughlin’s fault is that he didn’t made deep researches about it, but though, I doubt he would have gone so far back and find them when the only traces left are screenshots. McLoughlin, after he fired Nopeify, has hired a new editor, but the cancel cultists has forced him to hide the credits from the video description to any other editors outside of his permanent editor. Today we know it’s not his old one and cancel cultists conspiracy about McLoughlin hired Nopeify again was wrong, just another of their assumption for tear McLoughlin down. You may be thinking he’s a coward, in the last years cancel culture gave heavy mental breakdowns to a lot of the people, it’s exactly like a mental abuse.

Here’s McLoughlin’s apologies about this on Tumblr.

After this episode McLoughlin, probably exhausted by cancel cultist constantly keeping an eye on him judging every move and breath he takes, he left Tumblr and removed the link from his Youtube channel.

For the reason above this events doesn’t make McLoughlin a bad person or connect him to homophobic behivours, especially if made by others.

The “trashed” gifts

As if cancel cultists had not throw enough mud on McLoughlin, decided to bring back something happen in 2018 (2 years ago) after the “How did we get here - tour”.

In this 2018 tweet this person claims to have found into the trash in the back of Moore theater, in Seattle, the gifts for McLoughlin improperly saying that they was for PAX. It’s suspicious that someone that claim to be a fan mistakes the two events. It’s suspicious someone else add that an anonymous person claims to work into the tour staff and gives information such as the tour company name or says that the location would do nothing without McLoughlin’s approval (meaning he ordered to dump the gifts), when may have been any person interested in start a false rumor about him. If it’s true, this person have no reason to hide.

This version is so shady that I think is really not reliable. McLoughlin apologized and said to try their best for this never happens again.

McLoughlin has been touring for about two years, this happened only this location. We don’t know if he forgot, if he unexpectedly run out of space into the tour bus, if he had a misunderstood with the location, before quickly judge someone there are a lot of things to value.

The Coronavirus charity

McLoughlin helped with the emergency for the lack of medical devices, masks and other protections for doctors and common people teaming up with the famous charity site Tiltify making the biggest charity event ever. So big that received a lot of recognition. McLoughlin’s choice of put the donation limit to a maximum of 1,000$ is not for trip guilt people into donate that ammount for have their name read by him, but try to help the cause without make pressure on people that in this hard times doesn’t have much money and may need them for live, encouraging only people that can donate. McLoughlin always cheer people can’t donate to share, and say that it’s like they donated. We should tell the difference between enthusiasm for the cause and money bagging.

Here we have another case of haters making favouritisms. Markiplier titled his coronavirus charity livestream “ONLY RICH PEOPLE are ALLOWED in HERE” where he put the limit to $1,000 too being prized him for not allow people that couldn’t donate from the same people that blame McLoughlin.

Cancel culture: Hate hided behind “genuine” criticism and fake “I care”

It’s too easy for people that hide their hate being their “we do it so he can improve” hoax to accuse McLoughlin’s community of making an echo chamber and that he only surrounds himself with "yes people" making him look like someone who avoids criticism. At this point, if cancel cultists spill gratuitous hate, make articles on important sites full of inaccuracies, share them on social media using the official hashtags and tag relevant people literally begging them of talk about it to make the world know about McLoughlin’s “crimes” and undermine his trustworthiness, ignore and invalidate every McLoughlin apologize, is clear that the intentions are definitely not of people that want encourage someone to a positive change or care about him. Just hate and make others do the same so they could dig the dirt on McLoughlin.

Cancel cultist describe the community as rabbid dogs going against who say something not positive about McLoughlin. If the not positive feedbacks are from people, or ex fans that are not mature enough to just move on, that try to put their point across using gossips, lies, informations from suspicious anonymous sources, vague truths, for no reason except damage someone, the community’s complaints are quite justified. Except cancel cultists stretching the truth about the community being rabbid dogs with the purpose of collect people’s pity for their bad actions.

The most dangerous part is the massive use of rumors and gossip sites as source, that in turn, people read and spread what cancel cultists say. Unfortunately we live in a world of fake news, news that people share without doing the necessary researches, and this is not an exception.

For example: why people get so angry for the coronavirus jokes more than the people itself (see Markiplier response to McLoughlin’s joke above). Actually cancel cultist took the joke worse than the person itself.

The same people that made the accuses above also accused McLoughlin of not credit the author who made an animated intro for the "meme time” content. He actually did it in the video itself just after the intro (timestamp 0:22 to 0:35).

Cancel cultists fake interest in protect people’s interests in order to reach their selfish goal of throw mud on someone famous belittle those battles, and this is absolutely wrong.

It’s okay have opinions as long as people are polite and are aware of all points of view. Desperately try to throw mud on someone is not an option.

After McLoughlin apologized cancel cultist still persecute him slamming these things in his face over and over again that, as I said, forced him to step away from Tumblr.

This approach stands up for people who are harmed, which is great. But if it includes shaming, isolating, and punishing the people responsible for causing harm, it also just repeats the same tactics of the systems of oppression we’re trying to move away from. [..] There’s a difference between inviting [people] to make a change and trying to force their hand. — Source

