How does Opinion Polls Pakistan call the projections?

Opinion Polls Pakistan
1 min readJul 19, 2018


We are a non-profit organization providing closest-to-the-reality opinion polls through compiling information from various sources:

  1. Our volunteers conducting surveys at most of the electoral constituencies (print/electronic media journalists and reporters)
  2. Past elections’ results in constituency of interest
  3. Current candidates and their past returns in constituency of interest
  4. Party following and flux in constituency of interest

How are opinion polls’ projections different from surveys?

Surveys are the true indicator of actual voting trend but a survey can never have a sample size same as the electoral college, therefore, to scale the survey, we include other factors and indicators i.e. the past performances of candidate and party in the respective constituencies, local alliances and shift of vote bank in result, party following and flux in the region, and more.

Visit our Facebook page Opinion Polls Pakistan for the latest opinion polls projections.



Opinion Polls Pakistan

For first time in history of Pakistan, we are providing reflection of dynamics of Pakistan through release of opinion polls throughout General Elections 2018