NFT copyright infringement

Open Proprietary Protocol
1 min readSep 5, 2022


NFT includes titles, descriptions of works, links to access. Digital content sources such as images called NFT art are stored in off-chain or inter-planetary file systems.

Therefore, there is no copyright infringement on the transaction of the NFT itself. However, copyright infringement may occur in the minting process of NFTizing works.

This is the case in which content similar to other people’s works is produced and issued NFT for them, or a non-copyright holder issues NFT for other people’s works.

In particular, in the case of NFT, it intensifies the copyright infringement problem in that it is difficult to recover copyright infringement that has already been distributed.

OPP takes note of NFT’s irreplaceable nature and uses it to protect the ownership and rights of content creators. This prevents content from being stolen and replicated.

