Medium 1 — A welcome to all

Optimus Community Medium
2 min readMar 5, 2023


Dear Optimus Community,

We are honoured to be a part of this journey with you. Together, we stand to collaborate, build relationships and support each other. The release of our whitepaper, the Optimus Venture Fund and initial marketing efforts is a momentous occasion, but it is only the beginning. Our strength lies in each and every one of you. We invite others to join us on this mission and embrace the values that we stand for.

We have seen nothing of AI yet. The future is so much bigger than the past.

As we witness the growth of our community, we remain committed to educating others about the power of decentralisation and the advent of artificial intelligence. We can only achieve this by uniting our forces and working together. You don’t have to invest in us to become a part of our family. We believe that it’s time to break the chains that have held us back for too long.

Let us all take a moment to reflect on our purpose. What is it that we truly desire in life? Is it the fleeting feeling of success or the satisfaction that comes with overcoming adversity and standing strong with our friends, and foes? We know that the journey ahead will not be easy, but we are ready to climb every mountain and slay every giant that comes our way.

Look into your soul and ask yourself: are you strong enough to be with us for years to come? We believe that together, we can achieve greatness and create a future that is more revolutionary, equitable, and just for all.

Humans may fail us, but Optimus will not. Join hands and liberate yourself. We are one. We are OPTIMUS.

Alone we can do so little; together, we can do so much. Come, stand on the shoulders of giants.

With gratitude and determination,

The Optimus Community.

Join us here —

