Medium 5 — Calling All Allies

Optimus Community Medium
3 min readApr 12, 2023


Greetings fellow visionaries,

It is with great pleasure and pride that we reflect on the remarkable journey we have embarked upon together. From humble beginnings, our unshakable beliefs have captured the attention of individuals from every corner of the world. We have come a long way since our inception and the seeding of our vision, but we must recognise that we have only scratched the surface of what is possible.

In the midst of our ongoing voyage, this week we celebrate a momentous occasion, where a new leader has approached us, and claimed a seat on the road to success. His arrival marks a significant milestone in our collective endeavors, as we continue to fortify our position during our journey. With a warm and welcoming smile, we welcome a seasoned veteran of the blockchain ~

On 12/04/2023, the Optimus AI community welcomed Floki co-founder Petabyte Capital to the core team.

Looking forward, we are filled with boundless optimism and an unwavering sense of purpose. To any whom harbour doubts during moments of uncertainty, ask yourself this, can you imagine a world in which we do not succeed on our endeavours? We have every confidence that our community is resolute, passionate, and steadfast enough to weather any storm that may come our way. We are the pioneers of a new era, and we will stop at nothing to achieve our objectives. We are the children of the new generation.

As the saying goes, “The best way to predict the future is to create it”.

We are committed to crafting a world in which our collective vision is brought to life. We encourage you to continue to spread our message and stand by our side, to push the boundaries of what is possible.

Please continue in sharing and spreading our message, and we will continue to go above and beyond in bringing you something truly special. While our team is composed of the foremost experts in the field, we recognize that our strength lies in the unwavering support of our community. We are humbled by the tireless efforts of those who have stood by our side, and we remain ever grateful for your unwavering support.

It is exciting to think that none of the momentous events that are planned for the near-future are yet to be unveiled. However, I can say with utmost confidence now, that Optimus will be at the centre of attention for many months and years to come, as we look to the skies and set our gaze on the unknown, and venture into a mission that has not been attempted in the history of Web3.

As we inch closer to monumental movements, I only ask that you continue to work together, preach and mould our collective goal. Alone we are just specks of dust, but together, we can move mountains and achieve true greatness.

I look forward to our next discourse, which will be sooner and more impactful than this one. Stay tuned.

With a steadfast love and indomitable spirit,

The Optimus Community

