Airdrop for Lisk holders: FAQ
3 min readJun 19, 2018


To qualify for the Opti airdrop to Lisk holders, each applicant has to prove ownership of their wallet. This is of course to avoid false ownership claims and to be fair to everyone involved.

To do so we require you to sign a message using your unique private key, which will prove you own a certain wallet. This can be done using Lisk Hub and Lisk Nano. Detailed instructions can be found below.

Following the process, sign any message and send the text output to Also include the Lisk wallet you used to sign up for the airdrop.

The result should be something like this:

The instructions below are taken from Lisk’s Medium blog, which you can find here:

So how do you use Sign Message if you can’t access it from Lisk Hub’s GUI?

For now the only way to access Sign Message is through a specially formatted URI, which looks like this: lisk://sign-message?message=my%message. You will need to make sure Lisk Hub is already running for the link to work. Typically, a third party will present this special link to you for you to click on. When you do, Lisk Hub will open to the hidden Sign Message page. The message the third party wants you to sign will be pre-filled for you.
You can also enter the specially formatted URI directly into your browser’s Address Bar. (Note: Since Lisk does not have an official mobile wallet, you cannot currently sign a message with your mobile device. Also, Chrome will launch Lisk Hub when you click on a Sign Message link, but will not open Lisk Hub if you enter the URI directly into the Address Bar.)

Paste the link in your browser, with the wallet running in the background and open it. The wallet should look like this:

What can you actually do with Lisk’s Sign Message?

One use case is proof-of-ownership of an address. When you own an address you hold the secret keys to make transactions on that account. Imagine a situation where Richard paid for a product in Lisk from Gilfoyle. Gilfoyle wants to ensure Richard is actually the owner of the address that paid for the product. Richard could sign a message which requires him to enter a message and digitally sign it with his secret key, in this case, it’s his secret 12 word passphrase for the Lisk account that paid for the product. Richard would copy and paste the output of the Sign Message to Gilfoyle which is: the message, public key, and signature. With this, Gilfoyle can verify that Richard holds the private keys to the account that paid for the product.

What wallet should I send for receiving Opti?

To receive the Opti airdrop you will need an Ethereum address, to be able to receive a ERC20 token. Do not use an exchange wallet, as these can change and can have other particularities that lead to losing your tokens. There are many clientes you can use such as Metamask or My Ether Wallet. Please always check for a working SSL certificate or find out about recent news regarding any service and its security status. Once Opti is listed on exchanges you can move your tokens there, although local storage will normally be safer.



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