Opti’s loyalty program: win a 45% bonus for HODLing

2 min readJul 14, 2018


Many projects are successfully implementing bonuses designed for those that HODL and support the network. For example, OPEN and DragonChain have used this strategy successfully, as it prevents weak hands from panic dumping and it rewards the loyal community members who plan to stay for the long term.

For Opti, we will create an address registry where you can enter the ETH address(es) where you’re holding your tokens. Over the next 9 months we will take 3 snapshots. At each snapshot, all registered addresses will receive a 15% bonus in tokens, given the amount it holds is the same or more.

When are the checkpoints? The first and last will be scheduled, but the mid-way point will not be announced publicly. This is to prevent major manipulation. To those that hold equal or more at each checkpoint, and by the end of the entire bonus, will receive the total in bonuses compounded. Those that have less will not get a compounded total bonus. So that’s 3 opportunities for a 15% bonus.

We will pay out the bonus once after it is completed, which should be around March 2019. In the coming days we will open a register on our website for everyone to participate.

No one is excluded: even if you did not buy our ICO and are waiting for us to be listed on an open market. It is also open to all bounty hunters who have helped us from the beginning, join for the long term and grow with us! Keep it stylish, and hodl!

Optitoken is the first algorithmically traded, hyperdeflationary currency, that derives its value from a carefully curated token basket. Profits from the automatic trading of the portfolio are used to regularly buy Optitoken on exchanges, creating buy pressure and volatile price action. These tokens are then destroyed, creating further value. Our ICO is open to buy the initial token basket. You can learn more about the project here at https://OptiToken.io and on Telegram https://t.me/optitoken




Tokenization 2.0 — A project to demonstrate and leverage the advantages of cryptocurrencies and blockchain in a new and unique way. https://OptiToken.io