The Most Popular Open-Source Skills

2 min readOct 17, 2017


What do tech stars see as the most profitable open-source abilities? As per another investigation by Dice and The Linux Foundation, it’s less about particular aptitudes — for instance, the capacity to program in a specific dialect — and more about a summed up bent for building new open-source items and adjusting to evolving conditions.

Somewhere in the range of 77 percent of those overviewed said that the “capacity to planner arrangements in view of open source” positioned as the most profitable aptitude in their occupations. Another 66 percent said “involvement with open source improvement devices,” and practically the same number of (65 percent) said “learning of new devices.”

Somewhere in the range of 69 percent of tech professionals likewise put cloud advances at the highest priority on the rundown of open-source aptitudes that will pick up significance throughout the following year (huge amazement, no?), trailed by Big Data/investigation (57 percent), compartments (56 percent), and security (55 percent). Docker, the open-source programming stage that enables tech masters to run segregated “holders” inside Linux examples, is well known among engineers and chairmen; approximately 36 percent of those overviewed said they were taking a shot at compartment innovation, a noteworthy increment from the 27 percent who did as such a year ago.

“Interest for abilities in cloud organization, DevOps and nonstop reconciliation/ceaseless conveyance are energizing a spike in enthusiasm for preparing and confirmations identified with open source ventures and apparatuses that power the cloud,” read the note going with the overview information. “The up and coming dispatch of the Certified Kubernetes Administrator exam, alongside existing cloud confirmations, should help address the developing interest for these abilities.”

As per Dice’s latest Salary Survey, cloud innovation is a lucrative field — regardless of whether you depend on open-source programming. For instance, tech experts who represent considerable authority in Docker can procure a normal of $118,873 every year; and six-figure pay rates are unquestionably the standard for those with the correct blend of involvement and aptitudes. Remember that when altering your list of references and different materials for your next quest for new employment.

