As an energy source, natural gas is making some significant strides.

Optus Energy LLC
3 min readNov 9, 2022


It is hardly unexpected that major oil companies have not boosted their investments in fossil fuel production, given the current price of oil. Even though world leaders have stressed the importance of decarbonizing the energy system, many businesses are wary of making investments that may be rendered useless by future climate legislation.

For this reason, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Representative Cori Bush of Missouri presented the Energy Security and Independence Act, legislation designed to expand renewable energy sources and reduce utility costs. If this bill becomes law, it will create hundreds of thousands of high-paying employment. Environmentalists oppose the new law because it expands oil and gas leasing.

Several European nations have taken aggressive measures to reduce their reliance on Russian gas and other fossil resources. The import of Russian gas and coal was recently banned in Poland. The framework for natural gas restrictions is also being laid in Germany. The conflict in Ukraine will likely slow the energy transition in Europe, but this won’t stop other parts of the world from using fossil fuels.

Likewise, China and India have taken significant risks in the energy sector. The two nations have committed to decarbonizing and transitioning to renewable energy sources. While oil is still the primary fuel source, natural gas may play a significant role in the energy industry’s future. A huge benefit for both nations is coal replacement. That’s why everyone needs to pull together for the low-carbon transition.

Despite gas’s obvious benefits over coal and other fossil fuels, its production has been criticized for its potentially adverse environmental effects. Regulations put in place by the Obama administration to curb methane emissions by requiring leak detection and other technology upgrades from producers are being dismantled by the present government. Texas is the only state that has not passed legislation to limit emissions of natural gas, while five others have done so. Natural gas has the potential to be the lowest-carbon fossil fuel, but it needs more government regulations to reach that goal.

The electrification of buildings is a vital part of the shift to sustainable energy, but governmental agencies have been slow to act. The Energy Commission and the Public Utilities Commission of California are now debating new laws requiring all state structures to operate solely on electricity. A total of $400 million has been set aside to stimulate the implementation of these regulations, which could eventually force the electrification of buildings.

Increasing domestic natural gas output directly affects the demand for coal, which has declined as a result. There was a 35% share of utility-scale power generation in the United States fueled by natural gas as of December 2018. Thirteen gigawatts of coal-fired units shut down due to the increased demand. Consistent increases in gas production have allowed more natural gas to be exported, which is essential for decreasing global emissions.

Companies are incentivized to engage in clean energy projects by the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, which acknowledges the importance of such investments and calls for them to be made. Because of this program, Air Products, the largest hydrogen producer in the world, has a chance to take the lead in clean energy transition initiatives. The corporation is dedicated to assisting with energy transition initiatives and applauds the historic opportunity to invest in energy innovations.

Future energy security and economic growth in the United States are both greatly aided by this legislation. It will also encourage the development of locally owned power companies, which is good news for both the economy and the environment. The Inflation Reduction Act will help the United States compete more effectively internationally by lowering energy prices. When it comes to combating global warming, it will go down in history as a landmark piece of legislation.



Optus Energy LLC

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