The Opus Club: embrace the unconventional

The Opus Club
6 min readMar 28, 2022


A place… for the finest needs.

Greetings, Anon. I am The Manager, and it’s a pleasure to have you here as my guest today.

Please, allow me to be your guide and tell you the story of a… magical place.

“Where am i?

And how did i get here?”

Well… let’s say that if you’re here it’s because this is the right place, at the right time.

The Opus is an exclusive and classy club, built to satisfy all your needs, even the most… unconventional ones.

Refined drinks, excellent music, exclusive services and various entertainment are at your disposal, in a private and welcoming atmosphere.

Our creed is hospitality… nobody leaves the Opus unsatisfied.

“And what are those ??

They scare me…”

Those are the Opers, dear Anon. There’s no need to be scared, they are welcome frequenters of our Club.

They are excellent professionals, and maybe, if you are lucky, you will even be able to find the right one for you and hire them for…

The Job.

“Hire them? How? When? At which price?

I want to know more. I feel like… i need something from them.”

It is completely understandable, Anon, do not worry about it. The Opers do this to everyone.

May i suggest you relax with a welcome drink? This one is on me.

Please, take a look at our FAQs. I’m sure you’ll find the right one for you.

For the lucky ones, here are 25 invites:

“And who is this place run by?

Where is the rest of the Staff?”

Follow me! I’ll introduce them to you.

The one at the counter is The Bartender: although he is an incredible professional, let’s say that he is a bit of a… talker.

This way, in the Tailor’s room, you will find… well, The Tailor. He is an exceptional artist, who really likes to brag for hours… After all, he’s really good at what he does.

The other two, I apologize, but at the moment I don’t know where they are.

The Lawyer is a bit ‘exuberant’… but i can assure you that in his work he’s flawless. Master of all Contracts, there is no clause that can escape him, and I’m sure he can help you when you’ll need to hire an Oper.

Wandering around the club you might also bump into The Architect: he is always busy thinking about improving this place, and his work as concept artist and environment designer is essential for The Opus to be a first-rate club.

I know that at the moment I have given you little information, but don’t worry: moving on with time you’ll get to know us very well (obviously before the Hiring Day).

The Staff revealed so far: The Manager, The Bartender and The Tailor.

“And why did you build this place?

What is your vision?”

What a wonderful question, Anon.

Let’s say that we have been part of the NFT space since about March 2021. Many already know us…

We are thinkers, creators, innovators, and ideas and ideals have always come before money for us (and they always will).

We wanted to create something truly unique, innovative, never seen before. And not only in the NFT area, but in the world at large.

The Opus Club is the definition of unconventional. A new classy brand for the Metaverse, with vintage and noir vibes, in a speakeasy / retrò themed atmosphere, frequented by the Opers: a new concept of Avatars, with a mysterious and elegant appearance.

New trait in exclusive preview for the Medium readers: the Alligator Snapping Turtle

There are more than 90 different Opers (skulls), each of which dressed in a specially designed Outfit (inspired by a famous cocktail), and holding some peculiar items, each one with a particular meaning (which also varies from right or left position).

And this is nothing… after all, until now you have only seen 20% of the traits.

The Oper pictured above is wearing a Bramble — the whole dress design is inspired by that cocktail. However, even though drinks are a very important contextual topic in the atmosphere of our Club, we do not promote the abuse of alcoholic substances — please, always drink responsibly.

We created an entire universe, detailed, immersive, full of characters, stories, events. Even the 1/1s of the collection will be ‘special characters’ for the Opus.

We don’t want people to buy an NFT to own something of value only to resell: we want them to do so because they feel part of that universe, and want to invest in an exclusive brand built around them and with them.

“Yes but…

Wen roadmap?”

Well, dear Anon, we do not have a roadmap, and we never will.

We do have goals, intentions and objectives. We don’t want to make any promises — no project should.

Little by little we will reveal our plans, sharing our vision: we prefer to demonstrate than to speak.

However, we can anticipate that, as you have imagined, it will not be something conventional…

“And what about your ‘secret’?

What else are you preparing?”

Well, if you really want to know… listen to me, my dear Anon.

I guess you know whitelists: a toxic and deleterious mechanic that has now corrupted the NFT space. Used 90% by scammers, it is only useful to create false visibility and to make poor naive people who grind 24/7 lose their dignity. Nobody likes that.

Luckily things have changed a bit lately … Thanks to the connections between communities, the WL spots are now shared between different projects through partnerships. Certainly safer and more effective, unfortunately this method is also exploited by scammers, and should be limited. There seems to be no way out, but…

How far can you go… for a JPEG?

  • What if someone has the solution?
  • What if there was a method to delete whitelists forever?
  • A method that rewards those truly interested in the project, but still giving everyone a chance?
  • A method that helps to demonstrate the validity of the project itself, exponentially decreasing the probabilities of scam?
  • A method that punishes the use of shady influencers or toxic marketing?
  • A method that could become a new standard for the NFT space, finally making it a healthier and safer place?

Unfortunately, Anon, it is still too early to reveal everything. Also, many will not like it, and we could expect … quite a few enemies.

The battle against scams is no easy task: but someone will have to do it.

Now, Dear Anon, I don’t want to bother you any more. Opus is at your disposal, do not hesitate to ask for anything.

Enjoy your stay… and may all your needs be satisfied.

-The Manager



The Opus Club

The right place, at the right time. Meet the Opers, and join an exclusive Club for the finest needs.