IoT Applications in Automotive: Witness the Future of the Car Market

OrangeMantra Technology
5 min readMay 10, 2024

It is indubitably true to say that the automobile industry is the largest or biggest manufacturing industry in the world. If you belong to this domain and didn’t get equipped with IoT applications in Automotive, you are losing the opportunity to stand out or become a giant. The emergence of IoT in the Automobile realm has opened new gates for car manufacturers and buyers across the entire World. Starting from connected cars to automated transport systems, IoT for the automotive sector has brought significant trends in the global market of cars.

To know how IoT plays an integral role when merging with Automotive, dive deep into this write-up till the end without leaving anything in between.

Benefits of IoT Applications in Automotive

When you decide to pick IoT applications in Automotive, it will come to you with a plethora of benefits. If you are still not aware of what it can bring to your business, go through the listed ones. For this, you can shake hands with an IoT development company that is well-versed with this technology.

Improved In-Vehicle Experience

All the users because of Automotive software development services can enjoy a range of in-vehicle infotainment features like navigation systems, advanced driver assistance systems, telematics, etc. It will all add a whole new level of comfort and efficiency for car owners.

Hands-on Vehicle information remotely

Now, users do not need to hassle a bit to fetch the necessary and relevant information about their cars like fuel level, parking, and many more that only with their mobile phone. It will save their time and elevate the driver experience.

Refined Car Maintenance

All the data that is gathered from IoT sensors installed in all the vehicles can be analyzed to detect any kind of pre-failure car conditions. It permits users to take instant measures to avoid malfunctions or something big that will reduce the cost of car maintenance.

Safer Roads for Drivers

Find an IoT development company to infuse IoT applications in automotive mainly safety systems like automatic braking systems, object recognition, lane detection, etc. It all reduces the stress of a driver by eliminating the probability of emergence of human errors thus making vehicles safer for everyone.

Major IoT Applications in Automotive

Witness how IoT Applications in Automative is performing and what all new has come up in the market. Here highlighted some of the main ones so take a look at each pointer given here.

Real-Time Vehicle telematics

Vehicle telematics is the procedure of observation of the development, status, and conduct of a vehicle in a fleet. While forwarding with the telematics gadgets, the cloud merged IoT boxes on vehicles that let them have continuous knowledge of vehicle condition, driver wellbeing, and transportation improvement. It is essential and should be included in this list of IoT applications in Automotive.

The telematics system along with real-time alert system sounds can send an alert to the mobile phones of the owner if someone tries to enter the car forcefully. With electric vehicle software solutions, the new EV IoT-based smart cars can contact the concerned authorities like ambulances, firefighters, police, etc in matters of an emergency.

Autonomous Vehicles

Autonomous Vehicles are one of these recent and hot IoT applications in Automative that interest everyone. Various car manufacturers have tried hard to build the complete autonomous car but they only achieved some milestones not hit the end spot as such.

However, in the market, you can currently find partially autonomous vehicles that can assist drivers with braking, parking, lane changing, etc. With Automotive software development services, semi-autonomous cars become capable of making well-informed decisions to avoid accidents and load from the driver. Besides this, there exist sensors and cameras making such cars more safer and comfortable to drive.

Connected cars

The idea of connected cars is not new and one of the known IoT Applications in Automotive. According to research, it is established that by the end of 2024, there will be more than 650 million connected cars can be found running on the streets. This all becomes possible because of connected cars technology software solutions. The network on which all the cars are connected is based on IoT known as CV2X (Cellular Vehicle to Everything). It permits all vehicles to connect with the smart transport system seamlessly. Based on the types of car connection, the CV2X is further segregated into four segments:

Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V)

It permits all the vehicles to share data up to a proximate range. It is mainly all about location, speed, and dynamics. It proves beneficial in preventing accidents and can let emergency vehicles like Ambulance and fire trucks get through the traffic.

Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I)

It constitutes data regarding traffic lights, lane markings, and toll booths. It ensures smooth traffic flow and prevents anyone from standing in long queues.

Vehicle to Pedestrians (V2P)

With the mobile application, a pedestrian can connect with the CV2X network. It is used to locate any vehicle or cabs and monitor the approximate timing of arrival of rides. Through this, they can change the traffic signals as well to cross the road safely.

Vehicle to Network (V2N)

The weather forecast department and Intelligent transport system can peek into the network to alert the driver about network changes and inform about any accident that happened. Moreover, the drivers can use voice commands for music and GPS without taking a break in between driving.

Fleet Management

The incorporation of IoT Applications in Automotive has brought a crucial development in the domain of fleet management. Trucks nowadays come with several features like Weight measurement, location tracing, traffic identification, and many more.

The pile of data collected from a fleet of trucks is then stored in the cloud application. This data then goes from different analytics features and then conceptualized into a visual format. After this, the fleet manager will go through this pile of information to witness various parameters related to its fleet. Some of the main benefits that the fleet manager will gain after going on with such one out of all IoT Applications in Automotive are as follows:

  • Inspection of traffic conditions on the road
  • Management of the route of the place you are heading to
  • Monitoring of the fleet in real-time
  • Performance statistics of trucks like fuel consumption and Mileage
  • Hassle-free management of time and driver
  • Weight, mass, or volume of the cargo that the fleet is carrying

Final Words!

By keeping aside all the troublesome advancements in this digital world, IoT applications in automotive reform the entire industry upside down. The usage of this technology in this realm has transformed car inspection and maintenance capabilities and presented a whole new range of entertainment for drivers. The usage of Automotive software development services is going ahead day by day. It will change the way we used to interact with our vehicles.

To advance in this realm with IoT, find a competent and reliable Digital Transformation company in India like OrangeMantra to come to the top of the competition.



OrangeMantra Technology

OrangeMantra is a leading IT company that specialized in end-to-end eCommerce development for big shots & SME's. The company upscales the online retail business