ORBS Coin: The Coin of Goodwill


If you’re familiar with blockchain, you’re probably aware that year 2017 was huge for blockchain and cryptocurrency. In its history, 2017 paved way for the noisiest and longest bullrun of cryptocurrency. Because of the massive amount of money injected into cyrptocurrency, people bgan to question how the can get a piece of action.

At the peak of ICO craze, many started to worry that ICOs perhaps represent economic bubble and as a result, regulators and governments started to raise concerns regarding it. China started to clamp down hard on ICOs followed by South Korea, India, The United Stated and some other countries. This news lead to 2018s bear market

Despite being a bear year, 2018 is still a good year of blockchain. It’s been a year of realizations, adjustments and separation of good coins and bad coins. It also served as wake up call for investors that they should to coin fundamentals and not on hype. Today, people should also start looking at other factors when investing money on digital coins; one that’s usually taken out of consideration is crypto’s philanthropic side.

There are some who’s been keeping up with the developments in terms of applying crypto in philanthropy. At Orbis, we have noticed that there are relatively few crypto currencies which do philanthropic actions. We’ve came up with ideas for blockchain philanthropic implementations and we promised ourselves that we must do it. In fact, you can clearly see it as part of our roadmap. If you haven’t read our whitepaper or checked our roadmap, go to www.orbistransfer.com.

So you’re probably wondering what Orbis will do and how it can help. Well, our top mission is to reach the world’s unbanked population. After the marketing stage and our ongoing STO or Security Token Offering, we’ll start launching key parts of the Orbis ecosystem, the Orbis Local branches is one. We aim to make it easier to unbanked people to send and receive money by installing Local Branches in developing and third world countries. We will give then the infrastructure and machineries needed for them to participate in blockchain. This will be followed by Orbis Debit card and Orbis Savings.

After launch and implementation of the entire ecosystem, we will start more on philanthropic missions. We will go to poverty-stricken areas in the world, educate them and give them better access to internet and blockchain technology. We believe that if we will give time for social missions and increase giving, we will stand a better chance of being a top cryptocurrency in the future.

