Being a good white sheep

3 min readAug 20, 2024


The color white here refers to a white sheep, and I hope you understand the other meanings if you click this post.

I didn’t write this so that I could belong to the 5%, but so that I could be a better white sheep among white sheep.

Ever have the feeling that life’s just totally screwed? Wanting to do something, but can’t? Yeah, man, I get those every day. My life has been like this automated autopilot — waking up, going to work, going back again, and then stressing out about what I am doing and what I should be doing. There’s always this feeling of having to do something before they… when things are really good, anyway, before my parents… fade away.

Sometimes, I would think it is plain money, and when I get that, everything will just mend itself. But that’s a myth. Money can’t fix everything. But more money really makes a difference. It’s always about survival for my life because that’s the only thing you can actually use money for. You can only live life when you have more money. I realized that a long time ago.

There is a quote that goes, “1% of people control the entire world, 4% work for those 1%, and 90% are asleep. 5% know the truth and try to wake up the 90%, but the 1% use the 4% to silence the 5%.” I saw that somewhere, and it’s stayed with me. I wondered in which of these categories I could put myself. I felt I was part of that 5%-I’m educated, I’ve got a job, I’ve got access to the internet, and I can write. So, maybe I was part of the 5%, right?

I sent about 10 groups this quote, asking in which category they thought they belonged, and they all replied they were in the 5%. So, if everybody is in the 5%, where are the 90%? Then it clicked: I wasn’t the black sheep; I was the white one among a crowd of all the other white sheep, manipulated in the same way as in The Matrix — living well in a simple world but actually just another product or experiment. The 5% that try to wake up are like 100 times ahead, and the signals they are giving, we don’t even understand. We are just trapped in something that is called “freedom,” with such little decision-making power that we have to ask Quora what we must do, check the internet for decisions, and something a random guy posts from 1,000 km away could influence our decisions.

I didn’t write this so that I could belong to the 5%, but so that I could be a better white sheep among white sheep.

Last Words :

Yeah, I know. It’s not organized very well. I’m gonna try to do better next time. A long time ago, I had a Medium account, but I just messed it up with a lot of random stuff, so I deleted it because I wasn’t quite serious about it. But I’m gonna try to write something similar in the same range. Wish me good luck, and see you in the next one. Until then……

Thank you for reading. This is Orbit signing off.




The term "paradise" is referred to as a place where you get the most peace. 🌴✨