Orbital Outpost
Orbital Outpost

I am simply a space nerd writing about space for other space nerds.

For the past two and a half years, I have been working in the space industry and living my dream. Along the way I have gotten the privelage of working with many brilliant scientists and engineers, but it always seemed like there was this massive barrier to entry for anything related to space. I know I felt it at many times, even though I was actually in it!

It always seemed like if you did not have "Dr." in front of your name, then it was nearly impossible to be taken seriously or truly feel like you understood the various complex subjects involved with our space ecosystem.

This is when I decided to start the Orbital Outpost. I want to bring these complex, but incredible interesting subjects, down to Earth...so to speak. The topics I discuss here are related to space sustainability, astrodynamics, satellite operations, space policy, and everything in-between. My goal is to provide a haven for those seeking to better understand the incredible orbital ecosystem around us and the bits and pieces that make it a reality.

I want to help educate my readers about the problems we need to solve in the space industry, how we can operate more sustainably, how to learn complex mathematics and physics topics, and more. Thank you for joining me on this journey and I look forward to where it will take us!

P.S. I recommend starting your journey with my current series I am doing on building out an Open Source Astrodynamics Degree, if you haven't already!

Orbital Outpost

Orbital Outpost

An outpost in space for information on space sustainability, astrodynamics, satellite operations, and other space-related topics.