Claim your Pioneer Campaign Rewards

3 min readFeb 12, 2024


The Orcfax Pioneer campaign officially ended on January 31—a huge thank you to all of you for your incredible support and enthusiasm. If you ended up in the top 500 Pioneers, you’re eligible for a $FACT reward. This article will explain how to claim your $FACT rewards.

Top 500 pioneers: link to the top 500 pioneers
Start date: 14–02–2023 at 22:00 UTC
End date*: 02–06–2023 at 21:00 UTC
Link to the portal:

*) Unclaimed rewards are returned to the promotional wallet.

What is the Orcfax Pioneer Campain?

Find all the relevant information about our Pioneer Campaign in the article below.

You can find the Orcfax Pioneer leaderboard here:

How do I claim my $FACT rewards?

The claim date of the rewards starts 14–02–2023 at 22:00 UTC. You can claim your rewards via, a token distribution platform on Cardano. Below, we will describe the steps to claim your FACT rewards.

You can claim your tokens by connecting your wallet or sending a manual transaction. The easiest way is to connect your wallet to Tosidrop.

  1. Go to
  2. Connect your wallet or paste your wallet/stake address
    Important: you need to use the same wallet with which you joined the Zealy campaign.

3. Click on the button Check my rewards

4. Tosidrop searches for allocations tied to your wallet address

5. Search and select the $FACT token in your dashboard
Important: your FACT rewards will only appear in your Tosidrop interface starting from epoch 467, they will not be visible before then

6. Go to the bottom of the page and select Claim my rewards

7. You can claim your rewards by (a) clicking the Send ADA or (b) making a manual transfer to the Deposit Address.

a) If you connect your wallet, a Send ADA button will appear. By clicking on this button, your wallet interface will open. Follow the instructions in your wallet interface.

b) Send a manual transaction to the Deposit Address that shows in your dashboard. You must send the transaction from the same address you submitted for the Zealy campaign.

8. Tosidrop sends your $FACT tokens to your wallet address

You can claim your rewards till 02–06–2023 at 21:00 UTC! Unclaimed rewards go back to the promotional wallet.

Tosidrop Fees

For tokens that use TosiDrop services, there is a 1.14₳ service fee.. Typically, TosiDrop will require the user to send 3.5₳; you will receive ~2₳ back. The other fees (~0.36₳) are incurred by the Cardano network. More info about the fees.

More about Orcfax





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