How to Add Cs To Your B2Bs To Survive In Retail

2 min readJan 20, 2018


As a businessman, you are aware of how changes rapidly happen in the world of commerce. Of course, you’d want your own business to stay afloat and successful. One of the best ways to keep a business strong in spite of the changes in the market is by incorporating B2C (Business to Consumer) capabilities into your existing B2B (Business to Business) business. The question now is how you are going to make this incorporation. Here are steps that you can take in order to add “Cs” into your B2B.

  • Improve customer experience. The first thing that you should do is to ensure that the time spent by your customers doing business with you is pleasant and exciting. You can do this by personalizing your communication channels such as your website, where you can help customers make the right choice by making product recommendations and the products are easy to search.

You should also have necessary software such as magento shipping software. Apart from these, you should also ensure that your website is optimized for both PC and mobile. Since a lot of consumers buy items through their phones, it is important that your website is viewable in all channels.

  • Automate your business processes. Helpful things such as magento order management software and magento courier integration make tracking shipments easy. Furthermore, queuing orders made by customers, making inventories, catalogs, and the delivery of confirmation emails should all be automated in order to save time and to ensure that your customers’ orders are handled and delivered on time.
  • Meet the needs of your customers. First, you must make sure that your prices are both competitive and specific to the needs of your customers. This means that your product pricing should have a certain level of flexibility to allow discounts and price changes. Furthermore, you should also ensure that your customers have the options of paying in whatever method they wish.
  • Reach out to third parties. You will need customers to know about your website so that they can get to know and, eventually, purchase your products. You can ensure that they know you exist by making your presence known online with the help of social media, online ads, and other methods of advertisement. For instance, you can partner with channels or blogs, guest post in some, and have the audiences of those channels find out about your business and what you have to offer.

If you want to keep your business afloat, use the tips provided and proactively seek success in your endeavors. Visit OrderCup for further information.

