John U. Ordillo
2 min readApr 26, 2023


The story of the widow in 2 Kings 4 shows us how God can work in miraculous ways to provide for his people in times of need. In this case, the widow was facing financial hardship and was unable to pay off her debts, which put her and her children at risk of being sold into slavery. She turned to the prophet Elisha for help, and Elisha, in turn, relied on God to provide a solution to her problem.

God’s provision in this case came in the form of a miracle. Elisha instructed the widow to gather empty jars and fill them with the small amount of oil she had left. As she began to pour the oil, it miraculously continued to flow until all the jars were filled. She was then able to sell the oil and pay off her debts.

The way that God provides for his people can vary depending on the situation, but one thing that is consistent is that God’s provision always comes in accordance with his will and his timing. Sometimes God provides in natural ways, such as through the hard work and generosity of others, or through unexpected blessings or opportunities. Other times, God provides in supernatural ways, such as through miracles like the one in this story.

Regardless of how God provides, the key is to trust in Him and rely on Him for our needs, just as the widow trusted in Elisha and ultimately in God’s provision for her.

Matthew, chapter 17, verses 24–27. In this story, Jesus and his disciples are approached by tax collectors who demand payment of the temple tax. Jesus instructs Peter to go to the lake, cast a line, and the first fish he catches will have a coin in its mouth that will be enough to pay the tax for both of them.

This story is another example of God’s provision in a miraculous way. Jesus knew that Peter was concerned about paying the temple tax and provided for his need in a supernatural way by directing him to catch the fish with the coin in its mouth.

The story demonstrates several important lessons. First, it shows that Jesus is aware of our needs and cares about them, even the small ones. Second, it shows that God can provide for our needs in ways that are beyond our understanding or imagination. Third, it emphasizes the importance of obedience and faith in God’s provision, as Peter had to follow Jesus’ instructions and trust that he would catch the fish with the coin.

This story is a powerful reminder of God’s ability and willingness to provide for his people, even in unexpected and miraculous ways. It encourages us to trust in God’s provision and to have faith in His ability to meet our needs.

