John U. Ordillo
4 min readNov 14, 2023




The phrase “storing up treasure in heaven” comes from a passage in the Bible, specifically in the Gospel of Matthew. In Matthew 6:19–21 (NIV), Jesus says:

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

This teaching is part of the Sermon on the Mount, where Jesus addresses various aspects of discipleship and righteous living. The message here is about priorities and values. Jesus is encouraging his followers to focus on spiritual and eternal matters rather than material wealth that is temporary and vulnerable to loss or decay.

Storing up treasures in heaven is often interpreted as investing in acts of kindness, generosity, love, and righteousness — actions that align with God’s will and contribute to the well-being of others. In contrast, earthly treasures may distract individuals from spiritual priorities or be subject to loss and decay.

The idea is not necessarily to avoid all material possessions but to be mindful of where one’s true priorities lie and to seek a balance that prioritizes spiritual and eternal values over worldly pursuits. It’s a call to live with a perspective that transcends the temporary and fleeting nature of material wealth.

Title: “Storing Up Treasures in Heaven: A Biblical Perspective on True Wealth”


In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus imparts profound wisdom that transcends the temporal concerns of our earthly existence. Among the teachings that echo through the ages is the counsel found in Matthew 6:19–21, where he instructs his followers not to store up treasures on earth but rather to invest in treasures in heaven. This scriptural passage serves as a guiding light for Christians, prompting reflections on the nature of wealth, the priorities of the heart, and the pursuit of a deeper, more meaningful life.

Understanding Earthly Treasures:

To comprehend the significance of Jesus’ words, we must first delve into the concept of earthly treasures. In the context of this passage, these treasures symbolize material possessions and wealth that are susceptible to decay, loss, and external threats. Jesus draws attention to the ephemeral nature of worldly riches, using vivid imagery of moths, vermin, and thieves to illustrate their vulnerability.

I. Temporal Nature of Earthly Treasures:

a. Earthly treasures are subject to decay: In a world where moths can destroy clothing and vermin can spoil stored goods, Jesus highlights the inherent perishability of material wealth. This decay serves as a metaphor for the transient nature of possessions.

b. Vulnerability to theft:

By mentioning the threat of thieves breaking in and stealing, Jesus emphasizes the insecurity of earthly wealth. The impermanence and unpredictability of material possessions are evident in the potential for external forces to strip away what one has accumulated.

Understanding Heavenly Treasures:

Having illuminated the challenges associated with earthly treasures, Jesus offers an alternative perspective — the accumulation of treasures in heaven. In doing so, he invites his followers to redirect their focus toward values that endure beyond the confines of this world.

II. Investing in Treasures in Heaven:

a. The nature of heavenly treasures:

Unlike earthly treasures, heavenly treasures are impervious to decay and theft. By directing attention to the realm of heaven, Jesus encourages believers to invest in values, virtues, and actions that have eternal significance.

b. Aligning with God’s Will:

The accumulation of heavenly treasures is closely tied to living in accordance with God’s will. Acts of kindness, compassion, and righteousness are seen as investments that yield lasting returns in the spiritual realm.

Prioritizing Spiritual Wealth:

III. The Connection Between Treasure and Heart:

a. Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also:

This statement by Jesus underscores the intimate connection between one’s treasures and the orientation of their heart. It suggests that the way we allocate our resources and invest our time reflects the true priorities of our innermost being.

b. Heart as the Center of Desires:

The heart, in biblical terms, is not merely a physical organ but the center of desires, intentions, and affections. Jesus’ teaching prompts believers to examine their hearts and discern whether their pursuits align with the values of the Kingdom of God.

Living with Eternal Perspective:

IV. Living a Balanced Life:

a. Striking a Balance:

Jesus’ words do not advocate for a rejection of all material possessions. Instead, they call for a balanced approach where believers steward their earthly resources wisely while recognizing the temporary nature of these possessions.

b. Integrating Spiritual Values:

Storing up treasures in heaven involves integrating spiritual values into everyday life. Acts of generosity, love, and justice become not just isolated deeds but threads woven into the fabric of a purpose-driven existence.


In Matthew 6:19–21, Jesus provides a roadmap for a life that transcends the transient and embraces the eternal. The call to store up treasures in heaven challenges believers to reassess their priorities, acknowledging the impermanence of earthly wealth and investing in actions that align with God’s eternal purposes. By understanding the temporal nature of earthly treasures, the enduring quality of heavenly treasures, and the intimate connection between treasure and heart, Christians are invited to live with an eternal perspective that shapes their values, decisions, and the ultimate trajectory of their lives.

By: John U. Ordillo

