Understanding the Trinity Involves Recognizing That There Is One God.

John U. Ordillo
5 min readJun 16, 2023


The concept of the Trinity is a fundamental aspect of Christian theology, expressing the belief in the triune nature of God. While the term “Trinity” is not explicitly found in the Bible, the concept is derived from the cumulative revelation of God’s nature throughout Scripture.

Understanding the Trinity involves recognizing that there is one God who exists eternally as three distinct persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit.

At its core, the Trinity emphasizes the unity and diversity within the Godhead. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are not separate gods but are equally and fully God, sharing the same divine essence.

They are co-eternal, co-equal, and co-existent, with each person having distinct roles and functions while remaining unified in their essence.

The Trinity is not a belief in three gods or a division of God’s essence into three parts. Instead, it upholds the belief in the inseparable oneness of God while acknowledging the three distinct persons within that oneness.

This divine mystery is beyond human comprehension, as the Trinity transcends our finite understanding.

To aid in grasping the concept of the Trinity, some analogies have been used, although they have limitations. For instance, the analogy of water exists in three forms (solid, liquid, and gas) while still being water.

Similarly, the analogy of the sun with its light and heat illustrates how three distinct aspects (source, radiation, and warmth) exist within one entity.

However, it is crucial to note that all analogies fall short and may lead to misconceptions if pressed too far.

Understanding the Trinity requires a careful examination of the biblical evidence, including passages that reveal the unity and diversity of God. These include instances such as the baptism of Jesus, where the Father’s voice is heard, the Son is present in human form, and the Holy Spirit descends like a dove.

Additionally, Jesus’ teachings about the Holy Spirit and his claims of unity with the Father shed light on the triune nature of God.

While the Trinity may remain a profound mystery, it serves as a foundational doctrine that shapes Christian beliefs and practices. Recognizing the triune nature of God deepens our understanding of God’s love, redemption, and the work of salvation accomplished through the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Embracing the Trinity invites believers to participate in a relationship with the triune God, offering a profound and transformative understanding of God’s nature and our faith.


When discussing the Trinity, several common questions and misconceptions arise due to the complexity and mystery of the concept. Addressing these questions and misconceptions can help clarify understanding. Here are some of the most common questions and misconceptions related to the Trinity:

1. Is the Trinity three gods?

One common misconception is that the Trinity refers to the belief in three separate gods. However, Christianity is unequivocally monotheistic, affirming that there is only one God. The Trinity is the belief that within the one God, there exists three distinct persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit.

2. How can God be both one and three?

Another question that often arises is how God can be both one and three simultaneously. It is essential to understand that the Trinity is a unique divine mystery. God is one in essence or substance but exists in three distinct persons.

The oneness refers to the unity of God’s nature, while the threeness refers to the three distinct persons in relationship with one another.

3. Did the Trinity develop later in Christian history?

Some mistakenly believe that the concept of the Trinity emerged as a later development in Christian history. However, the belief in the Trinity is rooted in the teachings of the New Testament and was affirmed by the early Christian community.

The development of the terminology and precise definitions took time, but the understanding of the triune God was present from the early stages of Christianity.

4. How can Jesus be both fully human and fully divine?

The understanding of Jesus’ nature as both fully human and fully divine can be challenging to grasp. Some may struggle with reconciling how Jesus can possess both human and divine attributes.

Orthodox Christianity affirms that in the incarnation, Jesus, the Son of God, took on human flesh without ceasing to be divine. This mystery emphasizes the profound love and humility of God in entering into human existence.

5. Can the Trinity be fully comprehended or explained?

Many people wonder if the Trinity can be fully comprehended or explained by human intellect. The answer is no.

The Trinity is a divine mystery that transcends human understanding. While we can grasp aspects of the Trinity through revelation and reflection, our finite minds are incapable of fully comprehending the infinite nature of God.

6. Does belief in the Trinity make Christianity polytheistic?

Some may question whether belief in the Trinity contradicts monotheism and leans toward polytheism. However, the Trinity upholds monotheism by affirming the belief in one God. The three persons of the Trinity share the same divine essence and are inseparable in their being, will, and purpose.

Addressing these common questions and misconceptions about the Trinity can foster a clearer understanding of the concept. It is essential to approach the Trinity with humility, recognizing its divine mystery and embracing the biblical revelation that points to the triune nature of God.

Written by: Bishop John U. Ordillo

