Throuple | White Flag.

Ore Badmus
4 min readApr 27, 2020

I stared long and hard at Alaba standing before me, arms akimbo, defiant in all her naked glory. This is all madness. I wouldn’t refer to myself as bisexual or pansexual, so what the heck is going on? Why does my brain take a bathroom break when she’s in the room? Why do my thoughts get scrambled when I sense her close? It is crazy. Risky. Dumb shit. Is this how I self-destruct this time? Finally got a fantastic job after years of being without, a pretty convenient and satisfying sexual relationship going on, so why the fuck am I risking it all? Maybe not so satisfying after all if I was twisting on Oliver.

“You’re right.”

“I should and would stick to the rules of engagement.”

“You can finish up in another room.” Alaba said.

“Is everything fine with us?” I asked.

She gave me a tight smile. “As long as we remember our place.”

Right. It’s all messed up now and everything is going to shit. Fuck. I packed up my stuff and went to look for another room.

I’d be lucky if I was going to get any action at this resort. Alaba would mention my dumb outburst to Kizito and that’d be done, I wouldn’t be able to bring myself to lay in another’s arms when my every being yearns to be with another. Such a fine job you’ve done Tonye.

Photo by Oliver Sjöström on Unsplash

I adjusted my shades as I stretched out on the sun lounger, observing through them the fine specimen of men strutting the pool side. Grey shorts on the lounger on the other side of the pool is an easy pick, he knows it and would be an asshole about it. My eyes moved over the scene before me, couples having their moments, a group tossing a ball back and forth in the pool. My eye caught Alaba in the pool laughing to something Kizito must have said and pulling him into the water with her. Do I really want to sabotage that happiness? Definitely not. Time to get back to feasting my eyes. Red Addidas shirt was tossing the barbecue and thought when I was looking was the right time to do without his shirt? Now, I’d have to call him ‘tats’; tattoos ran across his semi-toned obliques, drenched in sweat that glisten when caught in the sun.

Hot damn, I pulled my beach hat lower plotting how to get my hands running over those tats when I heard my name.


I looked, Kizito was calling to me.

Fuck, here we go, about to be fired by the pool side. I make my way to the pool and crouch so I could hear what Kizito was saying.

“Join us.”

Eer, sorry? I look at Alaba, confused.

“Get in the water Tonye. Come on.” Alaba said.

Like a robot who’d just received its set of commands, I took off my flipflops, hat and shades, got into the pool and swam to them.

“Thank you for honouring our invitation. We felt you should be here seeing as you’ve been an integral part of the journey to our 10th.”

“You’re wel…” A hand slipped into my swim suit. Pause. Was I not supposed to get fired? Why am I in the pool with Alaba’s hands seeking my insides out with Kizito smiling into his drink? What is this woman playing at? She hadn’t told Kizito about my advances? Was she setting me up?

My mind ramblings were interrupted by another hand poking at my asshole. Oookaaayyy…umm…err… when both your holes are plugged with fingers seeking out some hidden treasure, it’s hard for your thoughts to make sense. I looked round, nobody seemed to be looking our way. I looked at the people causing waves to course through my body, they seemed normal whereas under the water, hands were busy at work, mining at my insides. Kizito dropped his drink by the pool and his hand dipped under the water. As I looked, it disappeared into his wife’s bikini bottoms; Alaba’s middle finger pressed against my clit as pleasure sensations creeped into her brain. She in turn groped his dick and started giving him a hand job. Right there.

Oh boy! What a trip! The possibility of getting caught was thrilling, heightened by trying to keep a straight face. As above, so it definitely isn’t below. I’ve never had a finger up my ass but to have my cunt being finger fucked at the same time? Hell to the fuck no, I’m going to lose my shi…

“Hi, are you Tonye?”

I jumped.


“Huh?” he asked, confused.

Someone explain to me why ‘tats’ from earlier is here, speaking to me at this moment!

I darted a look at Alaba and Kizito, yup, they have it in for me because at that exact moment, they both increased the pace of the good tidings going down below. It took everything I had to respond coherently to ‘tats’.

“Y…ye…yes, I’m Tonye.”

“You need to move your car.”

“Oh.” That definitely didn’t come out right. At all. I saw his right brow lift questionably.

“I’m coming now.”

I went under water, putting considerable distance between my holes and the prying fingers of this crazy couple. I stayed there for some seconds calming pent up energy that had nowhere to go.



Ore Badmus

Ore Badmus is an Actor, Producer and Drama educator. @theorebadmus on Instagram & Twitter.