Before I Commit

Random questions I want answers to.

Ore Fakorede
Personal Growth
2 min readMay 22, 2016


  1. Ignore the excitement for a minute, am I ready to be with her?
  2. Will you break me someday and leave me for dead
  3. Can I trust you to defend my honour when I’m not there?
  4. Do you trust me?
  5. Do I really need you?
  6. Do you really need me?
  7. Are we settling or is this the dream?
  8. Do I make you better?
  9. Does she make me better?
  10. Will you change? What if you change.
  11. What if there’s someone better for me, a more ideal fit?
  12. Should I hold out for that better person (who may never show up)?
  13. Will time change everything?
  14. Am I stuck on someone from the past? Have I really moved on?
  15. Are you stuck on someone from your past?
  16. Relationships can be financially demanding and I don’t want to be a cheapskate. Can I afford to be in one now?
  17. Will this change my plans?
  18. Do I want that disruption?
  19. Am I willing to relocate?
  20. Are you willing to relocate?
  21. Will distance change everything?
  22. Can I put pursuing my goals on hold to help her achieve hers?
  23. Can you put pursuing your goals on hold to help me achieve mine?
  24. Will we always forgive each other (easily)?
  25. Do you think of other people sometimes, wondering what it’ll be like to be with them?
  26. Do I notice other women more than I notice her (perhaps because familiarity has dulled my sense of awe)?
  27. Will I get tired of sharing my space?
  28. After the novelty has faded, how will her family treat me?
  29. Do I fit into her plans?
  30. Can I carry her without grumbling when she’s too weak to help herself?
  31. Will she always listen to me with her heart or will I merely be tolerated?
  32. Am I patient enough for her?
  33. Can we look after each other when we’re sick, vomit and all?
  34. What if you meet someone better, what then?
  35. Do you feel respected, regarded mindfully and accorded the honour you deserve as a human being and a woman?
  36. Do I feel respected?
  37. Can I swallow my pride or must I always have the last word?
  38. Will she be proud of my family?
  39. Can she handle all my truths?
  40. Am I brave enough to tell her everything, even the things I’m deeply ashamed of?
  41. Will she ever lie to me?
  42. Are there signs of future abuse?
  43. Will this last or am I just delusional?

You’re welcome to leave your own questions as comments.

