SCA-Cohort2: My Journey

Oremei Akande
3 min readJul 2, 2020


She Code Africa's mission statement: ‘Our overall mission at She Code Africa is to have an Africa where women are equally represented across all career roles in technology.’

The journey started on the 30th of May, 2020, when I got a congratulatory message stating that I have been accepted into the She Codes Africa-Cohort2 Community. My joy knew no bounds as I had wished deep down that I should be among the selected.

I was assigned to a mentor: Olubisi Idris Ayinde and was given a Learning Path to follow. The past month has been interesting. As it took me back to learning the basics of Javascript and practicing as I did. Some of the resources I used:


With help from my mentor and resources online, some of the products of one month practice of Javascript are below:


A bookshelf

Above is a simple bookshelf. Books can be deleted, added and users can also search for books. The netlify link:

2. I was able to complete the 10 Days of Javascript challenge on HackerRank

A screenshot of the ‘10 Days Of Javascript’ challenge on completion

3. A simple Rest API using Express Node Js.

When I first got introduced to the world of Web Development, I asked questions like: ‘Where do these data come from?’, ‘How does the frontend know it should return these sets of information when I click on a button. Where does the information come from?’, I was told there is a backend. Then ‘How does the frontend communicate with the backend?’. It wasn’t far before I found my area of interest. During this training, I built a simple Rest API :(

A screenshot of the Api on vscode
A screenshot after calling an endpoint

The journey still continues for the next two months. And I look forward to learning: How to configure TravisCI, Code Climate, and Coveralls for CI/CD, Setup development Environment (eslint, prettier, babel, testing), and making use of MongoDB.

My mentor, Idris, welcomed us(I and my co-mentee who has been of great assistance also: Omolara) to the ’month of NodeJs’ and I sure will enjoy the month exploring. Thanks.

