Artificial Intelligence Could Have Prevented The Coronavirus Epidemic

And as long as we’re not developing it, viruses will always disrupt our lives.

Oren Cohen
The Geek Writer
Published in
3 min readMar 11, 2020


Photo by CDC on Unsplash

Imagine a future where the Coronavirus never makes it beyond the first few weeks because the day after it was discovered, there is already a vaccine.

Isn’t that a lovely thought? It sounds like science fiction.

But, perhaps it shouldn’t be.

Not too long ago, there was this show on TV that reported that a man from Japan married a computer. That computer was a virtual intelligence. Not true AI.

Now, I’m not going to take a stance for supporting or denying human-machine relationships. That’s none of my business (and not my type, either). What we can glean from that is the technology is advancing in the AI route.

There are so many AI kits available on the internet right now that anyone with a bit of a Python training can start playing around with artificial intelligence.

I mean, think about how the open-source community could play an integral part in advancing our knowledge of AI.

If only we got here sooner, like ten years ago, perhaps AI was much more advanced right now to deal with the Coronavirus.

