Zabasearch: A Comprehensive Guide to the Free People Search Engine

3 min readJul 18, 2024


Zabasearch is a free search engine that allows users to look up information about people, including their names, addresses, phone numbers, and birth years. Unlike many people search websites that require payment for detailed information, Zaba search provides some basic information for free.

Why People Search Websites Have a Bad Reputation

People search websites often have a negative reputation for two main reasons:

  1. Many require users to pay for access to detailed information.
  2. The information provided may have been obtained without permission.

Zabasearch’s Free Service

The basic version of Zabasearch is free, providing users with names, addresses, and sometimes phone numbers without requiring account creation or payment. This makes it accessible and easy to use for anyone looking for basic information.

Advanced Searches and Premium Services

For more advanced searches, such as background checks or phone number verifications, Zabasearch redirects users to premium services like Intelius or US Search. These services require payment before providing detailed information, making Zabasearch an affiliate that guides users to these paid services for more comprehensive data.

Using Zabasearch: Free People Search

Zabasearch offers several search options. The basic version, which loads automatically, allows you to enter a name and search for it. You can also narrow down the results to a specific U.S. state. The search results display the number of hits and list each entry’s name, address, and, in some cases, phone number.

Most links on the results page lead to paid services like Intelius or US Search. However, Zabasearch provides a Google search link next to each name, allowing users to find additional information using Google.

Advanced People Search

While searching for unique names might yield quick results, common names can generate a significant amount of data. Zabasearch’s advanced search feature helps filter these results more effectively. Users can fill out additional fields like first name, middle name, last name, city/town, and state. This refined search is beneficial, especially when dealing with common names, as it limits results and increases accuracy.

Sources of Zabasearch’s Information

Zabasearch gathers its data from various public records, including phone book records, property transactions, voter registration records, and sweepstakes participation. The company does not disclose specific sources but indicates that any publicly available information, including that from social networking sites, may be collected.

Blocking Your Information

Users concerned about their information being displayed can request Zabasearch to suppress their data. To do this, users need to authenticate their identity by faxing a valid ID to the company. However, it’s important to note that if your information appears differently in other public records, it may reappear on Zabasearch.

Zabasearch Premium

Zabasearch Premium is a free version available to users who connect their Facebook account with the search engine. This provides more search results but does not offer features like background checks or phone number searches for free. It should not be confused with the paid “Premium Services” listed on Zabasearch’s pages.


Zabasearch is a user-friendly fastpeoplesesrch engine focused on the United States. It provides free basic information such as names, addresses, phone numbers, and birth years. The advanced search feature allows users to narrow down results effectively by providing more fields to fill out.

While it serves as a useful starting point for people searches, complementing it with other public search engines and sources can enhance the accuracy and depth of the information found.




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