Benefits of farm fresh milk

Khevna Mehta
2 min readDec 9, 2015


The major ingredient in any type of dairy products is the farm fresh milk. Since hundred thousands of years, this form of milk constitutes a major proportion of our diet. The health benefits as well as the nutrients present in the cow milk are unmatchable.

The organic cow milk is rich in calcium. Calcium is extremely important for teeth as well as bone development. This is the reason why doctors and health experts prescribe milk as the most essential diet in the early years of the infants and toddlers. The calcium present in the milk tends to combine with the Phosphorous. It is another essential nutrient present in milk. An amalgam of the two forms of calcium phosphate that is the vital element of hydroxyapatite which is necessary to provide the necessary structure to the bones.

Besides this there are number of other benefits of milk. The milk of the cow protects the colon cells in our body that prevents the risk of cancer. Milk also lowers down the problems of migraines as well as headaches. During the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, if one consumes milk then it would definitely reduce the symptoms of PMS. The organic milk of the cow is also helpful in weight management. So, if anyone of you is dieting then you must consume milk on regular basis. Calcium present in the milk happens to oxidize the fat content of the body.

Farm fresh milk is extremely vital for the women since it is known to prevent the risk of breast cancer in women. It further regulates the blood pressure in the body and facilitates cell membrane function as well as muscle contraction. The milk also aids in blood clotting. Cow milk is rich in protein and this supports the growth of bone and muscle development. This is the reason why body builders consume milk on a daily basis. In case anyone of you is suffering from gout or arthritis then you must consume milk regularly.

Some of the major nutrients present in milk are vitamin B12 as well as riboflavin (vitamin B2). There are also some vital minerals also present in the milk. Milk has a thyroid hormone triidothyronine and thyroxin that helps one achieve the requisite iodine levels required by the body. It also helps in elimination of the kidney stones. Potassium which is necessary for nerve transmission as well as muscle contraction is also achieved from the milk. Milk satiates about 10.8% potassium requirement of the body.

Considering the innumerable health benefits of milk, it is vital for everyone to consume milk on regular basis.

