Difference between fresh farm milk and regular milk

Khevna Mehta
2 min readNov 6, 2015


Milk facilitates body growth and helps in bone and muscle development. This has been possible because of the vital nutrients presents in farm fresh milk. The nutrients add to the value and the benefits of cow milk. Here we’ll discuss some of the key nutrients found in fresh farm milk.

Difference between fresh farm milk and regular milk

1. The organic fresh milk has a greater degree of essential vitamins and minerals present in it, as compared to regular milk.

2. Organic milk even tastes better than regular milk. Once you have experienced the rich taste of organic milk, regular milk will seem relatively bland.

3. The organic farm milk has a greater quantity of vitamins and nutrients.

4. There is 50% more Vitamin E in organic milk when compared to regular milk.

5. You’ll also find 75% more beta carotene in organic cow milk.

6. The antioxidants present in organic milk are three times more than regular milk.

7. Omega 3 or essential fatty acids are also more in organic farm milk.

8. There is also 500% more Conjugated linoleic acid in organic milk. CLA improves the metabolism levels and eliminates the abdominal fat.

Nutrients in fresh cow milk

1. The fresh cow milk is rich in Lactose. Lactose or the milk sugar is rich in carbohydrate.

2. Fresh milk is also rich in other variety of sugars such as Glucose and galactose.

3. Protein is another essential nutrient in milk. Protein present in the milk is helpful in muscle and bone development.

4. Another nutrient present in the milk is essential amino acids. Milk contains about 51% essential amino acids.

5. Milk also has Casein which is a rare protein exclusive in the milk. This casein can be further divided into 5 major categories such as αs1, αs2, β, gamma and k-caseins.

6. Milk is also said to be rich in whey proteins.

7. Milk contains milk fat that is easily digestible by the body.

8. Another nutrient present in the milk is phospholipids or the phosphorous in molecules.

9. Milk has some essential vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E and K. Besides this, there are some water soluble vitamins also present in the milk i.e. B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B6 (pyridoxine), Biotin, Niacin (nicotinic acid), Pantothenic Acid, Para-amino benzoic acid, Inositol, Choline, Folic acid, B12, and Ascorbic acid.

10. Finally, the cow milk is rich in some essential minerals. Some of the major minerals found in the fresh milk are in the form of chlorides, citrates and bicarbonates of calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium.

