Org chart : Evolution.

with new relationships

1 min readApr 16, 2014

Many of our users chose because of our org chart drawing tool.
With your feedbacks we’re trying to keep it simple AND adding more and more features.

Our first major step is to abandon our old org chart visualization and to only keep the new version.

We know it can be better but the new one is :

- Faster
- Able to display really large org chart (
here an exemple with 500 people)
- Available on any device aka “responsive” (try it on an iPad)
- Easier to modify so we can imagine more evolutions

So now you can :
- Sort your org chart by place and business unit

We also add new “relationship” between users !
Now you can choose between :

manager : direct line between 2 people
assistant : un horizontal line on the right
partner : one people, two line manager

Check here our demo :

You can already find it under the /sort tab.

Hope you’ll like these evolutions, drop us an email to tell us what you want, need, like ou do not like, I love hearing from you.

A bientôt
Richard — for the Team

