The Looming Perils of AI on Job Markets and Employment:

Orhan Yorukoglu
4 min readJun 29, 2023


Are we missing the point?

By Orhan Yorukoglu

Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

As the field of artificial intelligence (AI) continues its rapid advancement, the profound impact it will have on job markets and employment deserves our attention. It is essential to shift our focus from narrow concerns to the broader and immediate challenges and uncertainties posed by the exponential growth of AI. The unpredictable nature of AI’s development already presents significant threats to jobs and human knowledge. Rather than fixating on theoretical concerns about AI systems reaching sentience or achieving artificial general intelligence (AGI), addressing the immediate and tangible issues is crucial.

I. The Fallacy of Sentience and AGI Concerns:

While the concept of sentient AI and concerns about AGI may capture the public imagination, focusing on AI systems’ potential attainment of consciousness diverts attention from the more immediate threats posed by AI’s existing capabilities. It is crucial to recognize that the current state of AI already presents significant challenges to job markets and human knowledge. As the number of narrow intelligence systems increase, AI, in general, will far exceed human intelligence in many fields. With many companies racing to create plug-ins for ChatGPT and the emergence of specialized AI systems trained on specific domain knowledge, the threat is here and now. Rather than speculating about future scenarios, we should address the concrete implications of AI’s current capabilities and their potential impact on employment.

II. The Unsettling Reality for Academics, Universities, and Education:

While the issue of students cheating with AI tools is worth noting, it is essential to direct our attention to a more pressing matter: the potential obsolescence faced by academics, universities and the massive changes to the education system.

Academic circles should be concerned about their own uncertain future in light of AI’s rapid advancement. The roles traditionally occupied by academics may become obsolete as AI-driven educational tools disrupt traditional teaching methods. Adaptive learning platforms and AI-based assessment tools will change the grading and evaluation systems traditionally performed by professors and teaching assistants. While these advances will be positive in some sense, it is not impossible to imagine that there will be less need for humans in this process.

III. Unpredictability and Regulation:

One of the most alarming aspects of AI’s growth lies in its exponential power and its challenges regarding predictability and regulation. Each new update brings unprecedented capabilities, making it increasingly difficult to foresee AI’s trajectory and regulate its development effectively. As machine learning algorithms and technologies rapidly advance, keeping pace with AI’s progress becomes arduous. This dynamic landscape poses substantial challenges for policymakers and regulatory frameworks adapting to the evolving AI landscape. Governments have a track record of being slow to react to technological advancements, often struggling to address emerging challenges effectively. We have witnessed this with the proliferation of fake news, deep fakes, and voice replication technologies. These AI-powered tools can potentially deceive and manipulate information, leading to significant social and political consequences. The lag in regulatory responses to these issues underscores the need for a more proactive and agile approach to governing AI.

IV. The Threat to Jobs and Human Knowledge:

The encroachment of AI on job markets is becoming increasingly apparent. AI can and will replace routine and repetitive tasks through automation, significantly reducing the demand for human labor in these areas. This displacement poses a substantial risk to low-skilled and, increasingly, high-skilled labor jobs, potentially exacerbating unemployment rates and widening socio-economic disparities. While advances in AI hold great promise for sectors like healthcare, productivity, and scientific research, we must acknowledge the potential consequences for millions of people who may find themselves displaced from their jobs without the means to afford the advancements AI brings.

V. The pace of advancement of AI systems:

Throughout our lifetimes, we have witnessed remarkable technological advancements that have afforded us phenomenal “productivity advancements” as they gradually transformed our lives.

The key difference with the rise of AI is the speed and scale at which it progresses. Compared to previous technological advancements, AI has the potential to disrupt multiple industries simultaneously, leaving little time for individuals and societies to adapt. This rapid pace of change demands a proactive approach to prepare for the inevitable transformations brought about by AI in ways we have not yet fully comprehended. Sadly, I am unsure what we can do to mitigate the effects of this massive freight train heading our way.


As AI advances at an astonishing pace, it is crucial to recognize the substantial challenges it poses to job markets and employment. While concerns about student cheating with AI tools warrant attention, they pale in comparison to the broader implications of AI’s rapid growth. By shifting our focus to the immediate threats and uncertainties associated with AI, such as the potential obsolescence of particular professions and the displacement of workers, we can better navigate the complexities and ensure that the benefits of AI are harnessed in a manner that promotes equitable opportunities and a sustainable future for all.



Orhan Yorukoglu

Chief Information Technology Officer with a demonstrated history of working in the computer software industry. Interested in Artificial Intelligence.