Bringing Cryptocurrency Growth to the Masses- The CoinDash Project

5 min readMay 30, 2017


We all heard in the last month or two how Bitcoin is breaking its own records day after day. Some of us Googled it and found out that joining this party is not as easy as we might have thought it would be. Plus, there are multiple entry barriers; emotional, high risks, and lack of information that keeps us just one step away from being part of it. CoinDash is set to be a new platform that can help us overcome those barriers.

People are always searching for investment options. Investing is a tool not only for the wealthy. It is a tool that can help anyone build wealth for the long run. There are several mainstream investing options. Some are easier to understand and some force any smart individual to do some study before he can be involved, to make the investment better, profitable and smarter than a spin on the Roulette wheel or any other gamble in the casino.

Getting to know the blockchain technology and the cryptocurrency market

The blockchain technology is a new technology that is used in many fields and is behind the cryptocurrency revolution. There is broad agreement among financial institutions and tech gurus that it is here to stay and grow. It is the basis for the future of all kinds of transaction management systems (Financial and non-Financial).

We all want to join the cryptocurrency revolution and enjoy it as another channel that helps us diversify our overall portfolio. But the question is how? It seems like it is just too complicated to understand the Bitcoin and other currencies and what lays behind them. Is it really worth so much money or is it a huge bubble? What is the difference between the Bitcoin and other more than 700(!) currencies?

Some of the digital coins out there represent companies fundraising for the seed, series A, B and even series C for developing their product and marketing it, all using the cryptocurrency platform. Other coins are behind revolutionary business and social ideas. All of them are trying to be part of the growing scene of cryptocurrencies based startups. But there are so many coins out there, how can we know which one is legit and which one will end as a scam? How can we know which one will be the next Google and which will end like Enron, WorldCom, Napster, etc.

The lack of information and access in those markets is keeping us away, while other investors who spend time in online forums are actively trading and enjoying the fruits of being there first. Lack of information makes the investment risky and emotional for us while most of us, who believe in technology, just don’t have the free time to spend to understand and get to know the many opportunities hidden in the cryptocurrencies world. We all knows it’s a huge market that will grow in the near future and at the same time, we are keeping our distance from this market just because there is no convenient platform that can help us dive into this world.

Everyone hates risk at a certain level. Risk aversion is defined as the behavior of humans (especially consumers and investors), when exposed to uncertainty, to attempt to reduce that uncertainty. It is the reluctance of a person to accept a bargain with an uncertain payoff rather than another bargain with a more certain, but possibly lower, expected payoff (Wikipedia).

CoinDash platform is here to help us overcome those barriers

CoinDash is a project that is here to solve some of the problems described above in the markets of cryptocurrency. This project will grow and bring the world of blockchain and altcoins (alternative cryptocurrencies) to the masses. The 99%, the people that are searching for interesting investing options, but in the same time fear entering this unknown scary niche, will use CoinDash that will help this ecosystem overcome most of the barriers that leave so many people out of the game.

What makes CoinDash so special is being a social crypto based trading platform. It allows investors to overcome the lack of information problem and get insights about their crypto portfolio and benchmark it against the market and other traders. In addition, it allows them to follow the best performing investors and invest exactly like them with ‘Copy Trade Feature’.

The platform can answer multiple questions that investors are facing trying to understand these cryptocurrencies’ new world and by that, solving the emotional problem investors are dealing with. Investors will be able to follow other investors, view their asset allocation and performance. as well as copy trade their ICO (Initial Coin Offering — Money raising for new initiatives) and investments using a smart contract tool.

Beginner traders who just recently heard about this exciting world of cryptocurrencies will be able to gain priceless information and make better decisions with just a few clicks, while top traders can gain from sharing their knowledge and achievements.

The worlds of cryptocurrencies hold a lot of money that only a fraction of the people have access to. We all have a friend, or a friend of a friend, who made the blow there, whether by investing in Bitcoin or by raising funds for another alternative currency-based project. Many people are looking for a way to join this market, but they find themselves facing significant entry barriers, mainly emotional, risk aversion and deep lack of understanding of the basic elements and rules in which the altcoins market is conducted.

Being part of this project and supporting it will allow anyone to become a part of this platform and have the chance of gaining much in the near future, while more and more people are eager to find their way into this exciting world of the cryptocurrencies.

The writer is not part of the team behind this project though he is a huge supporter of this project.

