How to cut radiator hose

2 min readSep 11, 2023


Sometimes radiator hoses need to be cut for a variety of reasons, such as replacing a damaged section, customizing a hose length or modifying a cooling system. While cutting a radiator hose may seem like a simple task, it is important to approach it carefully to ensure a clean and accurate cut. In this article, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide on how to cut radiator hoses effectively and safely.

Gather the necessary tools:
Before beginning the cutting process, gather the following tools:
A sharp hobby knife or hose cutter
Tape measure or ruler
Safety gloves and goggles
Markers or chalk (optional)
Measure and mark:
Measure the required length of the radiator hose to be cut. Use a tape measure or ruler to ensure accuracy. If needed, mark the cutting point on the hose with a marker or chalk to provide a clear reference.

Safety first:
Wear safety gloves and goggles to protect your hands and eyes during the cutting process. This precaution is especially important to prevent injuries from accidental slips or flying debris.

Prepare the hose:
Before making a cut, make sure the hose is free of any pressure or coolant flow. If necessary, follow the manufacturer’s guidelines to drain coolant or relieve any pressure from the cooling system.

Select cutting tools:
Select a sharp hobby knife or a hose cutter designed for cutting rubber hoses. A hose cutter is recommended for cleaner and more precise cuts to minimize the risk of abrasion or damage to the hose.

To make the cut:
Hold the hose firmly in one hand and place the cutting tool at the marked point. Apply steady pressure and cut the hose in a straight, smooth, continuous line. Avoid applying excessive force or sawing action, as this can result in an uneven or jagged cut.

Inspect the cut:
After cutting is complete, inspect the end of the hose to ensure a clean, even cut. Inspect for any frayed or uneven edges that may affect the hose seal and connection.

Connecting Hoses:
After cutting the radiator hose to the desired length, connect it to the appropriate fitting or assembly. Use hose clamps or other fastening devices, if necessary, to ensure a secure connection and no leaks.

Leak Test:
After connecting the hoses, refill the coolant system (if it has been drained) and thoroughly check for any coolant leaks. Start the engine and bring it to operating temperature and monitor for any signs of leaks.

Proper Disposal:
Dispose of the cut portion of the radiator hose responsibly and in accordance with local regulations and guidelines for the disposal of rubber and automotive waste.

Cutting radiator hoses is a necessary task in all situations. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can achieve a clean and precise cut that ensures proper connection and function within the cooling system. Always put safety first, wear gloves and goggles, and use the proper rubber hose cutting tool.

The article comes from the official website of orientflex. If you want to know more about silicone hoses, please subscribe:




OrientFlex is a Chinese manufacturer and supplier specializing in automotive silicone rubber hose.