3 Best Free Chrome Extensions for Amazon Shoppers

Ori Feldstein
4 min readDec 23, 2023


As an avid online shopper, I’ve always found Amazon to be a treasure trove of products. However, with its vast array of options, shopping there sometimes felt like navigating a labyrinth.

During one of my particularly overwhelming shopping sessions, I realized the immense value of certain tools in enhancing the Amazon shopping experience. This led me to identify and share three essential Chrome extensions, each uniquely designed to streamline and improve the shopping process on Amazon, ensuring a faster and more informed decision-making experience.

After installing these 3 extensions, you will know what to buy (by Requiremints), if this is the right time to buy it (Keepa), and if you can save money with a coupon (honey).

1. Requiremints.com — What to buy?

(Best extension for product recommendations)

The Issue:

Choosing the right product on Amazon was always a challenge. The vast array of options often led to confusion, and I found myself drowning in a sea of reviews and comparisons.

The Key Feature:

Requiremints offered a unique solution to the overwhelming choice dilemma on Amazon. Its standout feature is a series of pertinent questions presented to the shopper. By responding to these, I could effectively sift through the myriad of options, focusing only on the cream of the crop — the top-selling products. This approach revolutionized my shopping experience, shifting it from a guessing game to a more informed and strategic process.

The added bonus? This extension also provides similar guidance across other major shopping sites like Google, Walmart, and Best Buy, making it a versatile tool for a variety of online shopping scenarios.

How does Requiremints work?

  1. While searching for a product, you will encounter options for product recommendation guides. These guides are seamlessly integrated into the Amazon shopping experience.
  2. Click to open the guide.
  3. Respond to the most crucial questions (in every category), allowing you to understand and compare the options that best suit your needs.

1. Options for product recommendation guides

2. Answer the crucial question

Install Requiremints on Chrome Web Store

Requiremints.com site

2. Keepa — Is it the right time to buy?

(Best extension for price tracking)

The Challenge:

Determining whether the current price of a product on Amazon was a good deal or not was always tricky. I used to second-guess my purchases, wondering if waiting might lead to a better deal.

The Key Feature:

Keepa’s price history graph with historical price trends addressed this uncertainty. It allowed me to see the price fluctuations over time, giving me a clear indication of whether the current price was reasonable or if I should hold out for a future promotion. This feature provided a level of insight that was invaluable in making informed purchase decisions.

Price trend graph

Install Keepa on Chrome Web Store

3. Honey (PayPal) — Can I save some money?

(Best extension for coupons)

The Frustration:

I often found myself at the checkout stage, wishing I had a valid coupon to reduce my total cost. Searching for these codes was usually fruitless and frustrating.

The Key Feature:

Honey resolved this by automatically finding and applying the right coupons at checkout. Its ability to seamlessly integrate into the shopping process and provide instant savings without any extra effort from my end was impressive. This feature not only saved me money but also the time and effort I would have spent searching for discounts.

How Does Honey Work?

  1. As you shop, Honey automatically searches for available coupons and deals relevant to the products in your cart, integrating effortlessly with your online shopping experience.
  2. Click on the Honey extension when you reach the checkout page.
  3. Honey then applies the best available coupon codes to your cart, helping you understand and maximize your savings effortlessly.

Install Honey on Chrome Web Store

In summary, these Chrome extensions — Requiremints, Honey, and Keepa — significantly improve shopping experience.

They each offer a distinct key feature that addresses a specific aspect of the shopping process, from making informed decisions with Requiremints, saving effortlessly with Honey, to smart purchasing with Keepa’s price insights. This practical approach to online shopping has not only made the process more efficient but also more rewarding.

Install on Chrome Extension Store — Free extensions: Requiremints, Keepa, Honey

