Systems engineering

Underground Electric Loader — Ep. 4 “Concept Generation”

A story of development of the autonomous underground electric loader. Episode 4 covers the concept generation and selection, and the logical architecture.

Abdullokh Orifjonov
4 min readOct 22, 2023

Underground Electric Loader — This article is part of a series.

Episode 1: Project Background

Episode 2: Strategy Development

Episode 3: Requirements

Episode 4: Concept Generation

Previously on “Underground Electric Loader”

In the previous episodes, we examined the current state of mining industry and electrification of mining machinery, presented the operational analysis of our system, developed the strategy, and initiated the concept development stage by converting the customer needs into the target requirements, and proposing the system architecture.

In this episode, we are continuing the concept development stage. We are going to generate concepts by generating solutions for each system function and outline the logical architecture of the system.

Table of Contents:

  1. Concept Generation
  2. Logical Architecture
  3. Conclusion

Concept Generation

The aim of generating concepts is to extensively explore the space of product concepts that could satisfy customer requirements. This process involves a combination of external research and collaborative brainstorming. A popular concept generation approach is a morphological chart that lists possible technical solutions for each system functional need. The chart for the selected strategy “Underground load-haul-dump loader that works in cooperation with underground drill rig and underground truck and enables zero-emission and data-driven mines” is shown below.

Morphological chart of underground LHD loader. Single green solutions mean the selection for the corresponding system function. Several green solutions mean their combination in the system. Yellow solutions signify the necessity of in-depth analysis to make the final selection.

These choices (in green) give rise to some considerations for mining companies about:

  • mine layout and infrastructure. The battery electric underground loader faces operational constraints such as limited range, extended charging times, and the need for strategic placement of charging stations. Evaluating the loader’s performance during downhill tramming, considering factors like the ore quality and site conditions, is crucial for optimising charging locations and minimising charging durations.
  • ventilation and cooling of the mine. Electric mines usually consider the arrangement and size of airways, heat management, gas clearance after blasting, monitoring, controlled recirculation, the presence of strata gases like radon, and dust control when designing ventilation and cooling systems, even though the need for ventilation is reduced due to the absence of diesel ICE.
  • maintenance areas in the mine. Adequate room and facilities are necessary for testing, servicing, discharging, charging, and storing batteries.

These and other thoughts emerging throughout the development should be communicated to marketing team to serve as a base for marketing effort for the new product.

Logical Architecture

Now, when we know more about the character of the system, we can uncover the system’s core components and their relationships with external actors while excluding any specific technological implementation choices. This uncovering of the “black box” system that we defined in the previous Arcadia step — system analysis — results in the logical architecture of the battery electric underground LHD loader is illustrated below.

Logical Architecture diagram (with component exchanges) of the system is is a response to “How the system will work to fulfil expectations?”.
The same Logical Architecture with logical exchanges. Link to full scale image.

We kept the logical architecture simple and good enough for our project. This simplicity is in broadness of logical functions — derived from system functions — compared to the functions listed in the morphological chart above. For example, the [SF2] Tram-haul system function is transformed into a single [LF2] Autonomously tram-haul logical function in the logical architecture, while being transformed into five logical functions in the morphological chart, namely [LF 2.1] Generate mechanical energy, [LF 2.2] Transmit mechanical energy, [LF 2.3] Steer the loader, [LF 2.4] Brake, [LF 2.5] Suspense the ride.

The value of the logical architecture is twofold:

  1. The logical architecture is an excellent design review topic to involve suppliers and relevant teams within OEM such as manufacturing and marketing into the development from its early stages to get their expertise-specific input to confirm that no important aspect of the design is neglected, and to correct design errors while the cost of correction is low.
  2. The logical architecture is a stepping stone to the physical architecture which is used as a sort of task description for design teams responsible for designing modules of the system.


To wrap up, we continued the concept development stage in this episode. We generated concepts by devising solutions for each system function, selected the best solutions, and established the logical architecture of the system.

In the next episode, we are going to validate and optimise the selected concept, and finalise the system requirements to complete the concept development stage.

The link for the next episode will appear here.



Abdullokh Orifjonov

Mechanical design engineer. I write stories about my projects on mechanical design and systems engineering.