A Step-by-Step Guide to Skill Development for Busy People

A 5 Part Framework for Education Success

Orion Siebert
3 min readFeb 23, 2024
Well dressed man running in an exploding office


Learning something new like playing guitar or getting an Excel certification can feel impossible when you’re stretched thin by work, family, and other commitments.

But having marketable skills is more valuable than ever, even if just for a hobby. This article will walk through a step-by-step framework perfect for developing new skills efficiently even with a packed schedule.

Step 1: Select the Right Skill

Man in a suit thinking while looking out the window

Picking a skill with low barriers to start will make skill-building less intimidating. Focus on skills needing little money or equipment like writing vs. blacksmithing, for example.

Scalable skills also maximize your time investment by increasing your impact exponentially once established. Email marketing takes the same effort sending to 10 vs. 10 million people.

But also consider skills saving you time long-term like learning automation to offload tedious tasks.

Finally, hone in on one skill at a time with an end goal in mind to maintain focus in our schedule.

Step 2: Set Realistic Goals

Woman in an office writing a plan to learn new skills

Having an explicit vision of success keeps your eyes on the prize while building skills. Maybe it’s performing a certain song on guitar or getting a certification for your resume.

Break this down into smaller, measurable goals focused on consistent efforts within your control. Strumming new chords for 20 minutes daily is more realistic to commit to than achieving perfection.

But also set aspirational targets to motivate you, like playing in front of friends or landing job interviews.

Step 3: Research and Make a Plan

Anime woman looking at a clock on the wall

Limit researching to 2 focused hours so, analysis paralysis doesn’t delay doing. Identify core concepts critical for results.

Map out methods and tools to use, like YouTube tutorials or community college courses on key topics. Continuously integrate new research as needed, if struggling.

Step 4: Schedule Time and Implementation

Guy practicing guitar in his room early in the morning

Carving out dedicated slots for skill building is crucial, even if daily. Consistency compounds achieving long-term growth.

Also minimize activation energy through prepped guitar tools by the couch or bookmarking Khan Academy lessons to avoid procrastination.

Step 5: Keep Pushing Forward

Girl running on a trail in the countryside

You’ll mess up, get busy, and lose motivation at times. But brush it off and recommit with eyes back on the end goal.

Reflect on tradeoffs to sustain progress, like less Netflix for more skills that align with your purpose.

If you enjoyed this article and want a more in depth version, then consider listening to the podcast episode it was based on.

If you want to read more, check out last week’s article below!

