Orne Updated Roadmap

6 min readOct 18, 2022


The airdrop of $ORNE on Terra 2 ended on 30 September — just after the signature of the sales agreement for our first parcel of land — with now just over 96% of tokens claimed (96 107 149.761695 $ORNE to be exact). We are happy and proud of this high claim rate, which reflects the commitment of our community, especially when compared with other projects on Terra which have not experienced the same level of success. Thank you all for your support!

The remaining tokens have been successfully returned to our wallet and will be used for incentives and marketing.

Needless to say, the airdrop was just the beginning of our relaunch plan and now it’s time to present our upcoming activities and plans so you can better understand our company’s vision.

Our first parcel of land, the cornerstone of our project

Orne’s first parcel of land

This first piece of land is of fundamental importance for the project. It is the result of many months of work and it lays the foundation of our economic model, as well as of our know-how. It will continue to showcase our progress as we expand the company and develop new products.

Once the land is planted, we can start to implement some new areas of work. We’re not just talking about our first collection of NFTs, but additional targets, markets and sources of income. As you will see below, we have been laying the ground for activities that will help ensure the sustainability of the company and put our ultimate objective, protection of forests, at the heart of our work.

Updated roadmap

Below is a detailed list of the activities we are working on. For clarity, the list is divided into three parts: physical / in real life, blockchain, and online.

Physical / in real life:

  • Q4 2022 Land purchase: the sales agreement for our first parcel of land was signed on 29 September. We are currently waiting for the approval from SAFER to finalise the purchase, a process which should go smoothly.
  • Q4 2022 — Land preparation: before we can plant trees, we have to prepare the land, as it has been abandoned for several years. We first need to index the species and trees already available in the field. A thick layer of vegetation has to be cut and moved, which requires equipment and labour. We also need to carefully consider the impact of this on the biodiversity present on the ground; we cannot simply plow the ground and damage what is there.
  • Q4 2022 — Tree planting: once the land has been prepared, we can plant the trees. We calculate the cost of planting each tree, then develop a tailored plan based on the layout and distribution of species. On our first land, we expect to plant more than 450 oaks, about 280 beeches and about 150 chestnut trees.
  • Q4 2022–Q1 2023 — AMF accreditation: we are preparing our file for the French Financial Authority (Autorité des Marchés Français, AMF) in order to obtain accreditation as a digital asset services provider (prestataire de services sur actifs numériques, PSAN). The Sapin II law of December 2016 gives the AMF the authority to control this new sector of the economy. The independent administrative authority tracks any attempt at fraud and, in the event of a finding, communicates the case to the Public Prosecutor (Procureur de la République). Such an offense is punishable by a prison sentence of five years and a fine of 375,000 Euros. As buying a tree is considered an atypical investment, we need to acquire a registration number as an “intermediary in miscellaneous goods”. This accreditation will allow us to sell physical trees as an investment, while also targeting additional customers who may not have any blockchain knowledge.
  • 2023 — Carbon credits: many companies are seeking to reduce their carbon footprint, including by funding reforestation programmes. This is an interesting avenue for developing our company: we could be mandated to plant and manage large forests to reduce the impact of carbon-emitting activities. We already have several leads, which are keenly watching how our first forest pans out. If our forests can produce carbon credits, this will also be the case on the blockchain side; our NFTrees will be able to produce passive income by producing a $CO2 token available in free exchange and collateralised by our company. Anyone can then absorb their own carbon footprint linked to their activity. This is then just one step away from the first blockchain with a negative carbon footprint.
  • 2023 — Development of forest products: our first serious lead is related to the production of wood pellets, a heating product vital in the winter which is constantly in short supply and whose price continues to rise year after year. We could produce pellets passively with wood scraps and other waste products collected through the maintenance of our forests. We are also considering planting a bamboo forest exclusively for producing pellets. Bamboo grows very quickly and could bring a substantial income to ensure the development and expansion of the company. This bamboo forest could be financed by a new collection of NFTs giving a share in the profits generated by this exploitation. As bamboo spreads very quickly and can easily get out of control, this type of project must be properly supervised and controlled so as not to disturb the surrounding biodiversity.


  • November 2022 — Presale: we are currently preparing a presale of #NFTrees. Details will be share in another Medium article closer to the event.
  • Q4 2022 — New DApp with marketplace: our DApp continues to evolve. In addition to the existing functions (swap and staking), the new version will include a marketplace for our NFTs.
  • 2023 — Cross-chain expansion: we are studying the possibility of pushing the project on other blockchains to reach a wider audience. Anyone can bridge the $ORNE token and create a pair elsewhere, but the cross-chain potential goes beyond moving liquidity to offering an exclusive service to a new environment. It is therefore necessary to imagine and develop a product adapted to this new target.


  • October 2022 onwards — Scientific studies and observations: we will publish articles based on our forest-related work, including on a series to present of our land and its evolution, and one on galls in high altitudes (we are studying the growth and impact of galls, produced in response to the presence of a parasitic or symbiotic organism that alters the development of plant tissues, resulting in the appearance of deformations).
  • November 2022 — Website update: our website will soon include more information about the project, as well as important information about forests with the aim of educating and raising awareness. It is also a way for us to improve the natural SEO referencing visibility of Orne, especially among the environment community.
  • Q4 2022–2023 — Partnership: we are in contact with many projects to explore possible collaborations and find more use cases for our token and our NFTs.

About Orne.io

Orne.io is an innovative project to protect forest habitats and promote biodiversity through blockchain technology. For more information about the project, please visit our website. Follow us on Twitter for regular updates and join our community on Telegram.

