How do dental braces work?

Jason Edwards
2 min readDec 31, 2023
Orthodontist holding sample teeth with braces

Orthodontic braces are dental devices used to correct misaligned teeth and jaws. They work by applying constant pressure to teeth over time, gradually moving them into their desired positions. This process helps improve bite function, aesthetics, and overall oral health, enhancing a person’s smile and dental well-being.

Braces are a great way to improve your smile and prevent many dental problems affecting your health and confidence. Many people are curious about how braces work and what they can do for their teeth. Our orthodontist pros have written a simple explanation of the entire process from start to finish.

How Do Braces Move Teeth?

Braces apply constant pressure on your teeth and jaws to move them into the right position. The braces consist of small brackets attached to your teeth with a special glue. The brackets hold a thin wire, called an archwire, that puts pressure on your teeth. Your orthodontist adjusts the archwire regularly to guide your teeth to their ideal place.

Your teeth are surrounded by soft tissue and bone, called periodontal ligaments. These ligaments hold your teeth in place and can stretch or compress as your teeth move. For example, when braces move a tooth to the right, the ligament on the right side gets shorter, and the bone on the left side grows to fill the space.

What Is The Purpose Of The Archwire?

An orthodontic archwire is a fundamental component of braces, playing a crucial role in straightening and aligning teeth. These wires are typically made of materials like stainless steel, nickel-titanium, or other alloys with unique properties that allow them to guide tooth movement effectively. The archwire is carefully shaped and inserted into the brackets attached to the teeth. It exerts pressure on the brackets and initiates a controlled force that encourages tooth movement.

