GasToken Scam

3 min readJan 2, 2023

Hello everyone! My name is Tom!

Today we will deal with the system of scam through gas token

Let’s begin

I will not describe the principles of gas token, you can easily Google it, the Internet is full of information, but I will talk about the principle of this method of scam and how it works

I personally encountered this method when I went to apeBoard and saw my balance tokens unknown to me in the amount of 1k$. I understood that these are not super pure tokens and there is a trick, but I was quite interested to explore this token. I went to exchanger and tried to swap it, accordingly I had to give approve before that, but here is the problem, after I sent transaction with approve — approve was not given!

I went to the etherscan and looked at the approve transaction and saw the following

And then everything fell into place, because I’m just being scammed to pay for gas!

The gas token contract itself has this mint function

In which, after some logic, tokens mint to msg.sender

Thus, in general, any contract can put in itself the call of mint of gas token and so scam people for gas (usually there counts gas to the balance of the native token in the wallet), and tokens themselves will be minted to the address of the scam token contract, which called the contract gas token

The gas token itself is traded on dexes, and there is even some liquidity


In the example we will make a cut down token scam contract, purely to show the functionality of this method

In the configuration, we prescribe the network and the block on which we will fork the network, because for the example I want to use real data

And this is what our scam token contract will look like, I repeat, it is made simply as a concept, purely to demonstrate options for implementation

In our case, we override the approve function by simply adding a mint gas token call to it

Write some tests and get the following

It all worked out, we minted gas tokens on our scam token contract!

The code for the whole example can be found in my repository:

I hope the article was interesting and understandable!

Thank you! ❤️

