PinnedPublished inLevel Up Coding9 Laws That Every Software Developer Should KnowThere are numerous guidelines and observations referred to as laws or principlesSep 2728Sep 2728
PinnedPublished inLevel Up CodingContinuous learning frameworkSoftware development is a field that demands continuous skill improvement. Technology advances rapidly and to be successful you must find a…Jan 239Jan 239
Published inLevel Up CodingThe Idea of Synthetic MonitoringHow to improve your system reliability6h ago16h ago1
How to Determine What is ImportantWhat I aim to offer here are several perspectives on identifying importance — approaches that are sometimes overlapping, sometimes…Nov 211Nov 211
Published inLevel Up CodingWhat It Means to Be a 10x EngineerNot a Myth, But a Powerful Metaphor for Impactful Team PlayersNov 115Nov 115
Published inLevel Up CodingHow to Incorporate AWS Lambda into a Distributed SystemThe post demonstrates how to use AWS Lambda as part of a notification serviceOct 24Oct 24
Published inDevOps.devHow to Integrate Your Services Using GCP Pub-SubStep-by-step guide covering Cloud confguration, Python implementation and services deployment.Sep 24Sep 24
Published inILLUMINATION’S MIRRORWhy I WriteWriting turned into a tool that helped me hone my abilities and get better at a lot of thingsSep 81Sep 81
Published inBooks Are Our Superpower6 Books That Changed the Way I ThinkFresh perspectives on talent, success, personal growth and time managementSep 85Sep 85
The Talent Debate: Does Mastery Require Giftedness?Natural abilities, deliberate practice and strategies for developmentSep 5Sep 5