JumpTask Token From Honeygain

2 min readMar 18, 2022




hello my lovely medium family, I’m here again with another new method in which you can use to mine jump Task tokens from Honeygain straight to your wallet with no limit of the regular $20 threshold before withdrawal.

if you don't know what Honeygain is all about, you can check here where I literally explained everything you need to know about Honeygain, and I shared a useful invitation link you can use to get $50 bonus when you register.

so now let's get straight to the point of today's post!!!

Get A Little Knowledge About JumpTask

jump task is a company that is in partnership with Honeygain to play it's own roles on the Honeygain eco system to provide to users a way to get their funds straight to their wallets without any thresholds and still gives users 50% bonus for switching to there program of mining.

How Does JumpTask Works?

well if you are a Honeygain miner, you should know where to find your Jump Task mood button at the top right side (opposite the Honeygain mining button) of your phone or computer. there you will see an option to either continue with Honeygain mining with $20 threshold or switch to jump task mood and get a 50% percent bonus.

How JumpTask Works

after switching to jump task, you will be redirected to connect your wallet and add the jump task token contract address to create the token wallet on your metamask or trust wallet, (you can use any other wallet of your choice) and then all your currently mined dollars will be transferred to your wallet has jump task tokens where you can actually convert them to BNB or any stable or unstable coin of your choice.

if you don't know what Honeygain is all about you can get it from this post where I explained literally everything you need to know about Honeygain and useful link you can use to get started and get $50 bonus for using the invitation link.

someone on my last Honeygain post on hive.blog asked if I do the Honeygain myself and if the link was legit and not scam, I explained to the person how legit and 100% perfect the platform and the link was, also I told the person if he has trust issues of using my invitation link, then he Should go browse it on Google and register from their official website but you won’t get the $50 bonus because you didn’t use an invitation link to register.

Honeygain is totally legit and if you have doubts about it you can always make your research!!!

I believe and hope this was very helpful to you all

thanks for reading my post!!!

Original post:https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@blacktarri/jumptask-token-from-honeygain

