The best Arab writers you can read their works while you learning Arabic

Osama ALnagem
5 min readFeb 3, 2022


In this article, I will suggest you a list of the most famous Arab writers whom you can read their works to improve your Arabic language and get more information about Arab culture and society

So with further ado let’s start

Naguib Mahfouz

Naguib Mahfouz

he is one of the most famous Arab writers in the last century if not the most famous.

He won a Nobel prize for literature in 1988.

He studied Philosophy at Cario university.

His novels are classified as realistic literature.

Most of his novels take place in the popular Egyptian neighborhood.

He described Egyptian society accurately in his novels.

One of his famous works is ‘Awlad Haratna’ أولاد حارتنا novel made him earn the Nobel Prize for literature.

Many of his novels were transformed into films.

Other Works :

Khan Alkhalili خان الخليلي

Cairo Trilogy (الثلاثية)

The Harafish(الحرافيش)

To show more of his work follow this link here

Famous Quotes

“fear does not stop you from dying it stops you from living.”

“الخوف لا يمنع من الموت و لكنه يمنع من الحياة.”

“Revolutions are masterminded by cunning, carried out by the brave, and then won by cowards.”

“إن الثورات يدبّرها الدهاة وينفذها الشجعان ثم يكسبها الجبناء”

When misfortunes abound, they erase each other

عندما تكثر المصائب يمحو بعضها بعضا

Naguib Mahfouz reading news about himself winning Noble prize in the newspaper

Ghadah Al-Samman:

Ghadah Al-Samman’s image

Hse is a Syrian writer, journalist, and novelist born in Damascus in 1942 to a prominent and conservative Damascene family.

She is remotely related to Nizar Qabbani the famous poet.

She is one of the most famous Arab female novelists.

she’s characterized by her unique writing style, using in-depth details to describe the places and characters in her novels.

one of her best novels regarded is one of the best Arabic novels Beirut Nightmares كوابيس بيروت

Where she describes the Lebanon civil wars.

She exchanged love messages with famous Arab figures like the famous author Gassan kanafani and the Lebanese poet Ounsi el-Hajj and the famous Egyptain composer Baligh Hamdi.

Then at the end, she married a businessman called Bashir Al Daouq. And she published all the letters in different books.

Watch this video if you want to learn more about Ghada

If you want to enjoy reading Arabic with it’s recommended to write Ghadah Al-Samman’s works

Famous works:

Beirut Nightmares كوابيس بيروت

Beirut ’75 بيروت 75

Farewell, Damascus الوداع يا دمشق

Ghassan Kanafani messages to Ghada Samman

رسائل غسان كنفاني إلى غادة السمان

More books in Goodreads


قد يكون ضرورياً أن تظل هناك أسئلة لا أجوبة لها كي تستمر الحياة

It may be necessary for there to remain unanswered questions in order for life to continue

“Don’t go back, my love is not a bench in a public park! You go away from it whenever you want.. and come back to it at any time

don’t apologize

The bullet fired does not recover..!!

“لا تعد فحبي ليس مقعدً في حديقة عامة !تمضي عنه متى شئت .. وترجع إليه في أي وقت

لا تعتذر

فالرصاصة التي تطلق لا تسترد .. !!”

“عندما نكون سعداء فعلاً لا يخطر لنا أن نتساءل إن كنا سعداء أم لا ، السعادة تصبح جزء منا ..أنت لا تتساءل إذا كانت يداك في مكانها أم لا ..نحن نتحسس الأشياء فقط عندما نشك في وجودها ”

“When we are really happy, we don’t think to wonder if we are happy or not, happiness becomes a part of us.. you don’t wonder if your hands are in place or not.. we feel things only when we doubt their existence.”

Ahmed Khairi Alomari:

Ahmed Khairi Alomari’s image

Ahmed Khairi Alomari

he is an author and dentist born in Baghdad.

He belongs to the Omarian family which belongs to the Omar bin Al-Khattab.

He is known as an Islamic author and known for writing a reforming Islamic speech in many different books.

he is active on social media .and did different programs on Youtube

Famous works:

Christmas in Mekka كريسماس في مكة

ليطمئن عقلي

البوصلة القرآنية

Bilal Code شيفرة بلال

Quotes :

“كان من المؤلم جداً أنّ الناس لا يصلون… ولكنه كان من المؤلم أكثر، أنهم إذا صلّوا، ربما لا يتغيّرون”

“It was very painful that people did not pray… but it was even more painful, that if they prayed, they might not change.”

Ahmed Khaled Tawfik

Ahmed Khaled Tawfik’ image
Ahmed Khaled Tawfik’s image

One of the most famous and beloved Arab authors especially among young people, he is the first Arab author who write horror novels.

He mastered writing in other topics like Fantasy novels, science fiction, excitement, and suspense,

He is a doctor. and he continued doing his job besides being an author.

He died in 2018

Famous works



“أحيانًا يساعدنا الآخرون بأن يكونوا فى حياتنا فحسب”

“Sometimes other people just help us by being in our lives.”

“لا أخاف الموت ..أخاف أن أموت قبل أن أحيا”

“I am not afraid of death, I am afraid of dying before I live.”

“الحل الوحيد للمشاكل النفسية هو: لا تكن عاطلاً… لا تكن وحيداً”

“The only solution to psychological problems is: Don’t be jobless… don’t be lonely.”



Osama ALnagem

Software engineer , intrested in tech , coding , online content , languages