Fayetteville, North Carolina

Osama Ahmad
4 min readOct 10, 2023


Exploring the Arrests in Fayetteville, NC.

Github Repo here.

Fayetteville, NC is a city in America, widely known for Fort Liberty, which is considered to be one of the biggest military installations in the world housing our 52,000 Military Personnel.

But that’s not the reason how I found out this city. You see, Fayetteville is also known for one more thing, or person should I say. His name, Jermaine Lamarr Cole aka J. Cole, one of the biggest Rappers.

Courtesy of Vaughn Ridley via Getty Images

I have heard him talk about violence in Fayetteville and how difficult it is to navigate life when you know that a stray bullet can put a full stop to it.

In his song, Heaven’s EP, he raps;

There are many verses from his songs, where he talks about Fayetteville but those lines stayed in my head for a long time.
It got me thinking and I pulled up google to find data for Fayetteville, NC. I found an Arrests Dataset for Fayetteville. And I got to work.

Note: All the following information is from my analysis of the Arrests Dataset, all the technical information can be in Documentation here.

Yearly Arrests Pattern

Yearly Arrests Chart

There seems to be a downward trend in the Arrest Counts as the years progress. According to the data, average arrests across all 13 years are almost 6554.

My Opinion; I think that less arrests might not mean less crime. The other side of this pattern could mean that less people get arrested, but crimes might not be decreasing just like the pattern of arrests, or they can be. Just keeping the both sides in mind and not assume anything.

Arrests Patterns in a Day

All time Arrest counts

We see that PM part of day for all data accounts for more arrests than AM. That begs the question, what are the arrest patterns throughout the day?

Histogram of All Arrests by Hours

Interactive Histogram here.

Even though we have seen that PM accounts for more arrests overall, the highest number of arrests occur between 0–100 Hours, which basically means Most Hourly arrests occurred at 12 AM — 1 AM (12 hour format) or 0–1 (24 hour format).
The histogram does show that as the day progress arrests decrease until 7 AM and start to consistently increase until 4 PM after which there is a slow drop until 11 PM, after which there is an increase again until 1 AM.

Monthly average arrests across all years

Bar Chart with Average arrests per month

The average arrests across each month don’t really have a changing pattern, they are almost the same staying between the range of 500–600 arrests per month, averaging at 556 arrests across all months, for each year.


Bar chart for Gender of Arrestee

We see that more than 70% of the Arrestees are Male while almost 30% of all arrestees are Female.


Bar chart representing gender distribution with Race

Now, that verse does make sense, most notable in data are the mostly arrested in Fayetteville, NC, over the span of 13 Years, are;
- 60,000+ arrests of Black people (40,000+ men and 10,000+ women)
Followed by 25,000+ arrests of white people (15,000+ men and 10,000+ women).

That wraps my analysis of the Arrests Data of Fayetteville, NC.

Please comment down your thoughts!

