Learn These Simple Ways to find accurate Qibla Direction

Osama Abbasi
4 min readApr 27, 2017


It is the basic requirement to pray while facing the Qibla in Islam. It is an act that absolutes our worship. The Khana Kaaba is the House of Allah and it is the oldest center of worship.

Allah is all around. He is not bound by time or space. By remaining before Him five times each day, confronting Khana Kaaba, a specific level of closeness and proximity to Allah assumes control. It motivates solidarity, solidarity, and unity and features the charitableness of all that Islam and our confidence remains for.

Ways to Find Qibla:

The first thing you should know is that where you are standing in the world with respect to Makah. It’s normally considered that Muslims have to pray facing east which is not always true. This is only right when you are somewhere in the west of Makah. There are some simple methods which are normally used to find Qibla direction.

1. With the Help of Technology:

Now a day’s it become very easy to find accurate direction on Qibla with the help technology. There are some specially designed apps for finding the accurate direction of Qibla. You can download these apps free of cost. After installation you can easily use them to find the accurate direction of Qibla.

2. With the Help of Sun:

The sun is a decent marker of cardinal headings; it ascends from the East and sets in the West. On the off chance that you have a thought regarding where your present area is in connection to Makkah, you can unravel the headings by noticing where the sun ascends from and where it sets in that region.

If Makkah is north of your city or nation and you see that the sun is setting to one side, then you are confronting the Qibla. Be that as it may, if the sun is setting to one side, then you ought to confront the inverse way. The sun’s situating can likewise be utilized to decide the exact area of the Qibla on two events amid the year.

3. With the Help of a Sundial:

Discover a bit of level or level ground and position a vertical question on the ground, roughly 3 ft. long, only a little before twelve. Make a stamp where the tip of the question’s shadow falls on the ground. Draw a hover around the question, utilizing its length as the span. Over the long haul, the shadow will get littler and move far from the circle. It will then get longer toward another path and touch the circle once more.

Check the point where the circle and shadow cross. Join both imprints utilizing a straight line. This bearing is west to east; the principal check being west and the second being east. Attract another opposite line to this line. The second line will be a north-south line. After you have found the cardinal bearings, it will be less demanding to get an unpleasant thought of the Qibla heading too.

4. With the Help of a Wrist Watch:

If you are in Northern side of the equator than hold the watch on a level plane so the hour hand focuses towards the sun. The course in the center between the hour hand and 12:00 o’clock on your watch is south. In the event that you’ve found south, you can now decide alternate headings too.

If you are in Southern side of the equator than hold the watch on a level plane so the 12:00 o’clock stamp focuses to the sun. The course between the 12:00 o’clock check and the hour hand will be north. On the off chance that you know where north is, you can now make sense of alternate bearings also. Thus through making sense of the cardinal bearings, you can undoubtedly find the Qibla also.

5. With the Help of a Compass:

The most straightforward and the simplest approach to decide Qibla direction is a compass. On the off chance that you know about your area in connection to the Makah, a compass turns out to be a great deal more exact and exact, contrasted with a simple stick in the ground.

