MaxSoft IntelliAPI — API Test Automation Tutorial 4

PUT API Automation

Osanda Deshan Nimalarathna
MaxSoft — IntelliAPI
3 min readJan 28, 2018


  1. Get a clone of IntelliAPI demo project from here.
  2. As an example we’ll automate a test to edit a category.
  3. Open “api_doc.xlsx” file inside resources/api_document.
  4. Provide relevant details for “API_NAME”, “API_ENDPOINT”, “HTTP_METHOD”, “BODY_TYPE” and “JSON_PAYLOAD_TEMPLATE” columns as follows,
Adding the entry in API document excel file

5. Save the excel file.

6. Create a new specification in specs folder using any name.

7. Now you can see the below text file.

Creating a spec file

8. You can give any name for Specification heading and Scenario heading.

9. In the first step, you must define the API name which you need to invoke. That API name should be included in the “api_doc.xlsx” file.

10. For this example I am going to use “Edit A Category in Deck Service”as the API name since I have provided those details in the excel file in step 4.

11. Now you can write the first step as,

Preparing to invoke PUT API
Preparing to invoke PUT API

12. As the second step, you need to configure the authentication token. Since this API request needs the token, we can provide configuration values as follows,

Setting authentication configurations
Setting authentication configurations

13. In the third step, you must specify the existing category which you need to edit. Usually edit will be performed using a path parameter as the ID.

Setting the path parameter
Setting the path parameter

14. In the fourth step, you must create the JSON payload by replacing the values which was provided in the “api_doc.xlsx” file. Since my payload contains the “name” and “description” properties and I have defined their values as “#name” and “#description” in the excel file, I will write the step as follows,

Setting the request attributes of the JSON payload
Setting the request attributes of the JSON payload

15. As the fifth step, I can invoke the API as follows,

Invoking the API
Invoking the API

16. Now I have invoked the API and I have the response as well. So I can validate the response using the following steps.

17. So in the sixth step, we’ll validate the status code of the response,

Validating the response status code
Validating the response status code

18. Then we’ll validate the response contents using JSON Path Assertions as follows,

Validating the response content using JSON path
Validating the response content using JSON path

19. Now you have already completed the designing phase. You can execute this test scenario by clicking the green color play button on the left corner of the scenario heading

Executing the test scenario

20. After you run the test, go to reports/html-report and open “index.html”

That’s how this framework works. I will guide you to perform some other API test automation in coming tutorials.

Keep in touch……….

Happy Automation !!!



Osanda Deshan Nimalarathna
MaxSoft — IntelliAPI

Founder of MaxSoft | RPA Solution Architect | Open-source Contributor | Automation Framework Developer | Technical Specialist